For the next 30 days I am to prodvide a daily blog starting here, so count this as numero uno (I hate spanish). For the next 29 days you shall see a daily blog and I wish for you people to praticipate as well (some of you already do this cough*kingrich*cough). So thats the plan, I hope to bring the daily activitys and game stuff and what ever else interests me. Such as the Financial plans Washington is enstating to boost the USA economy, you know trivial things such as this. Now to the next part!
The new video series I hope to bring to you tomorrow are speed runs, but there is a twist. Its not how fast I can beat the game, more like how fast I can LOOSE the game! Wahahaha, I find this very entertaining seeing how fast I can get my self killed still trying to beat the 2sec/s mark in most games. They will be colabritive videos entitled Speed Runs to Hell or something of the sort, just look. This is experimental so give me feedback when the first one is up and no the Stronghold on is NOT one of these videos
Speaking of the Stronghold video sorry for the bad quality for those who have already tuned in, I was testing different recorders. So far the best one I've been able to do is actualy hook up a DVDR player to my computer as a mirrored moniter and record it. Its free and turns out very nice. Yeah so go check out that video and tell me what you think and yes I do know its very jumpy...
I have been working on cleaning out my computer stash and my desks so I may or may not have ebay links on my profile for sales I put up, yeah I'll give you more info on that as it happens
I got a new Linux OS for my old computers called Momonga, well its not entirlly new I used an older version... well you know what I mean. Its very cool and I recommend it. One warning is that its being developed by Japanese Universitys so most of it is in well Japanese, there are some translations but a bulk of the information and such are not translated. If this does not fear you and you have the time check it out! I'll post a link here (click the banner)
Thanks for stopping by for a visit! Have fun and enjoy, also take a look at the new kpc if you have the time as well!
Bye guys