Afternoon gamespot community! And welcome the next blog to start the 31 days of blogging that I had to stop due to a computer fire. but now its back and count this as the triumphant return of the 31 days of blogging! Seeing that my Windows partition on my computer is not up there will not be any speed run videos up for awhile, sorry, but thinks happen!
Now to the real subject of this blog, I have been tagged like that of thousands of others on GS who have also been hit. I was hopping to get around this but thanks to two people Ccooldudecool and kingrich06 I've joined the ranks, thanks guys. So here it goes and yes there are more then 5 things about myself on this blog.
1.) I have a real thing for computer, I really enjoy tinkering with parts and electrical components when I can get my hands on it. This also makes me a real internet geek who constantly is watching woot and engagdet. I also use every major operating system equally, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. I also build all my PC computers, I have not bought a pre-build PC in my life.
2.) I penpal, a lot. You probably know this as well! But some of you don't, I have several penpals from around the world. Some of them are ones I contact through Snail-Mail and others through e-mail. I try and keep things rolling. This to me helps me learn about the world and just to show me how thankful I am to be able to live in this great country (No offence to you people out side of the USA on this, I'm mostly talking of my penpals from 3rd world countries).
3.) Although I am a guy, I do like cute things, cooking, and crafts (Mostly sewing and scrap booking). Most people find these to be "Girly things" but there not. Sewing plushies is fun and enjoyable! I do love it so! As for cooking I make some crazy good Japanese dishes oh yeah! As for the "cute" things I have plush dolls all over my desks and room. Mostly from Sanrio but other places as well.
4.) I am a Boy Scout, some of you will look at this as being cool, and the others being lame. Well if you are thinking the "lame" one you can just get of my blog. My troop is rated as one of the best in the whole district area of Las Vegas, and its very small of around 20 or so kids. Most of us who are in this troop are total geeks (when hiking we talk of video games and computers.). I do enjoy scouting, as a matter of fact my Eagle Project is the last weekend of April.
5.) I like photography, Its such an awesome art. I do like to shoot and stuff. Film not digital or well for now. Right now I use an Canon AE-1 a true classic.
6.) I like just about every form of music other then medal. I really do enjoy everything from Tribal to Electronic, I just don't like metal (this includes but is not limited to, Emo, Black, Screemo, ext.). So thats what I like, Right now I'm tuning into "The Rubberband Man" by The Spinners.
7.) I don't like scary video games or movies, they really do scare me. Seriously I got scared when I went to go see the Grudge, and even had to break over 10 times when playing Ravenholm in HL2. I'm that kind of person, I don't see why people enjoy being scared!
8.) I enjoy watching musicals, a lot! I think musicals are great! I've seen several musical productions on the Strip from The Producers to We Will Rock You. I like the films as well.
9.) I like walking, and hiking. This is pretty much my only source of exercise leaving me with close to nothing of upper body strength, but really strong legs Hahaha! I'm going to New Mexico this summer to hike 100+ miles in a week, thats awesome!
10.) I am a twin! I think only a few of you people know that on here, but I do have a twin! His name is Ross and he is really cool! Where I have my Tech he is a Painter and Drawer. Really good at it too!
11.) My Great Great Uncle was the man who wrote the Anthem of Guam which can be heard here
He also was one of the main people who helped in the fight with getting the local Chamorros on Guam there American Citizenship!
Thats about it for now, ask me any thing else and I'll be glad to answer! Bye everyone!
PS I also tag these people: Bakahashi, thecomissar, Supercoolgamer, MorkkiTH, AJMarra, and Zeus-bg
Thanks guys!