The title pretty much gives the whole thing.
I am really working on my grades so that is bitting into a lot of my time, I have also been finishing up some books I am reading. Last of all every weekend of mine is booked up with little things for the next month or so. Yeah, I don't even have time to throw a weekend B-Day party :(
So with that said, I am a very very busy man. I'll try to be on here as soon as I can, I really only have time to check engadget online before I have to do something else.
Final Thought:
Audiosurf is a great and addicting game. Seriously its amazing. Best songs to play? Le Disko - Shiny Toy Guns, Slash Dot Slash - Fat Boy Slim, Orange Crush - REM, and My Moom Man - Feist. Thats about all I can think of for now, I am still trying to play my whole audio collection, all 600+gb/s of songs (yeah its a lot, that still does not count vinals transered).
Well until nextime I guess! Bye every one!