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Updates on stuffs, more talk about games and what have you! enjoy!

Ok well to start this blog of I'm very happy to say that I only have 2 and 1/2 days left of school! yes monday and 3 half days of finals and I'm out for summer! Woo Hooo! ok well In this rant or reveiw or what have you we are going to talk. every new topic will have its own section

Gears of War:Ok I know its been out for awhile and what have you! Don't get mad at me for saying this but I think the game blows.... but this is comming from the guy who hates halo with a pation! I know I've never been a big fan of that type of FPS (over the shulder) but to me the controles seem a little in need of improvement. Well thats what I have to say about that.

Halo 3, is it driving you nuts?!:The game is not so much as making me anticipated, but more pissed of... Every day now I'm tierd of going to school and hereing every one talking about the f%$#ing beta!! And just becouse I'm a gamer does not mean I'm a Halo fan! IM A PC GAMER FOR CRYIN OUT LOUD!!! jeez! I also thing its crazy that people are willing to spend what is it like 150 for the "collecters pack" or legondary pack or somthing?! One question WHY?! for 3 extra dvds and a small friken helm?! that does not make seince to me. So for any one I know please don't tell me about the "new halo preveiw" or "screenshot" I don't care!

A new pc on its way for me?:Over the summer this summer I'm deffenatly going to get a job. My pops is willing to get me $1000 in upgrades for my PC, Which I know will not make it new but Im changing core parts So far Im going with some Asus main board (not sure of the exact one yet I'm debating between 2), an Intel Quad Core 2.40ghz CPU (I'm probably going to spend my own moneys and get a Quad Core Extream 2.66ghz) I'm going to grab some ddr 2 8000 RAM, for my CPU I'm going to grab a Thirmaltake Liquid cooling system (I have a Thirmaltake "Armor" case right now and its all ready equiped for that type of system) and last of all for my new graphics card I have decited that the new ATI RADION HD 2900 its my best bet! The other parts I'm not getting new I'm going to salvage from my old pc such as my 2 DVD burners, my 2 250gb HDDs.

An unpesant forcast for Las Vegas::( as you know Vegas is in the middle of a desert! However it usualy takes a lot longer to get as hot as it is here right now. We have not even entered summer yet. If my memory serves. but in the last week its been 100 degrees F or higher! its os hot! I have to walk up a hill for 1 mile every day on my way home from school, there is no shade. So it gets very hot! the good things is that in the moring its quite plesant when I walk to school! I hope I can get ouf of Vegas soon and escape the heat!
well that about concludes this blog nothing left to say. Ummmmm... yeah no new games that I have perchest yet and so on. I'm still waiting for some of you guys to PM me on gamespot to play a game of somthing, or IM me on xfire or steam (I Don't think I've posted my steam SN so here it its: treytakahashi). I'm waiting! So I think that this is the end of the blog

Gamespot emblems and what have you: Well My emblems are gliching again saying I'm missing 4 of my emblems and I'm still waiting for my live feed Hour of Victory emblems witch is taking way longer then I suspected to get here :( well there is plenty of time for the emblem system to be improved we just have to wait.