tripleryan2004 Blog
Just three letters: X... W... E...
by tripleryan2004 on Comments
Life & Times Banner; PSPs man?!
by tripleryan2004 on Comments
I have a new banner (FINALLY :P) for my blog. I would just like to give you all an update on how I feel about effing PSPs!!
PSPs are seriously not worth anyone's time. If you want one; Let your parents/guardiens know, end of story. Don't bug them or start whining about how everyone is getting something and you're not. Seriously. Just let it go. Chances are it's still in her head if she hasn't already written it down. I didn't even MENTION the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" on my Xmas list, but yet my grandfather got it for me. Trust me.
Look at Marcin? He was whining, and he GOT ONE. I saw it coming.. Maybe not so soon, but I saw it coming. You just gotta remember to take it easy. Who cares if you don't get one of those buggy things anyways?
And it All Comes Back Again
by tripleryan2004 on Comments
Broke up with a girlfriend,
Thinking of now and then,
Back where I first started,
it all comes back again.
It took a while
to figure things out.
The wall behind me,
screams and shouts.
"Come back to me"
it says, inviting.
I'm covering my ears,
screaming and shouting.
I want this to end,
please go away.
Leave me alone
It's all coming back again.
Hell breaks through,
once again,
and in the end,
it all comes back again.
I'm trying each day,
and restless night
to escape this hell,
and put up a fight.
No matter what,
in the end,
seemingly so,
it all comes back again.
Losing it,
Happier then I've ever been in my life right now :)
by tripleryan2004 on Comments
Man! Things are going SO awesome!! I mean, I haven't been on GameSpot in forever for a decent period of time, probably only for about 5 posts, but it's ok. Here's what's been going on lately:
1) Found the love of my life
2) Joined Cadets - Play bass
3) Danced my butt off at our school's Halloween dance that I DECORATED! :D
4) I am Student Council President - Lots of cool responsibilities.
GameSpot back up - Delayed XWE comes back!
by tripleryan2004 on Comments
XWE Blood Bath Banner... And XWE Week 11, already?
by tripleryan2004 on Comments
There's an XWE Banner that I made, looks pretty cool in my opinion. With the Spike TV logo there, it makes it look like it's actually on TV on Spike. I think it's wicked. Hopefully one day it will become a reality, but that reality also seems VERY far away.
XWE Week 11 is coming so fast, it's unbelievable. I have a few things planned, and a few storylines to kind of keep on going. Like Shadows_Fury and wcfs25's little thing there... It's gonna be cool. I can't wait for the PPV. I'm really looking forward to it. Week 12 is gonna rule for the PPV.
Inspired by Terry Fox
by tripleryan2004 on Comments
XWE Re-opens; School starts today; Photoshop Phun
by tripleryan2004 on Comments
XWE re-opened yesterday. We're kicking things off with a less over-flowed e-fed. The card is pretty low-standards but it's because we don't have all our original members... just yet...
Anyhow, in other news, I started school today and we have Clive for french and social studies. And spell Clive backwards "Evil C..." it scares me :|... Anyhow, she's not strict at ALL however. Kind of amazes me after hearing that she threw a book at a student.
Photoshop Phun Season 2 kicked off last night with Episode 4 in the entire series. So, yeah, things are going great :D.
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