I'd like to see Sega Forever on switch. Imagine every Sega-owned Arcade, Colecovision, 2600, 5200, SG-1000, Master System/Mark III, Genesis/Mega Drive, Game Gear, Sega CD/Mega CD, 32X, 32XCD, Saturn, Neo Geo Pocket Color, Dreamcast and post-Dreamcast game available for free on Switch, and all you have to do is watch one 30 second commercial every 15 minutes after a natural life or level break, wherever the ad would be the least disruptive. ( No mid-level pausing cliffhangers, that would be annoying.) You can dabble in every Sega game for a jingle. Any one you really love and don't have time for commercials you can support by buying, but if you want to finance Sega more, they make money more ofter with ads compared to ROM sales.
If Nintnedo can nogotiate and accept 3 things, then this will give the Switch the biggest fre lineup of games.
1)accepting their cut as a percentage of ad revenue,
2) make sure you won't see a Victoria's Secret ad in between levels in Sonic the Hedgehog,
3) and have a coherant policy on how to advertise Sega (and possibly other company's) games for competing systems while respecting Nintendo's rights. Will they have a Gamestop or Best Buy cobranding sponsorship instead of the copyrighted Playstation, Xbox, iOS, or Android advertising leads and logos, or will they say, like a commercial of a cable network show on a different channel saying "check local listing for channel number", and say "Check your local retailer or different machine's download shop and search for (game title)"?
This third question is probably the biggest. What if they establish Sega Forever on Xbox and Playstation also. How are they going to treat each others' systems when Sega is cross-promoting their modern games, or selling third party ads of games on differing systems? How do they answer the question of competing system ads on YouTube and Twitch apps for those systems? Are the other system exclusives banned by competitors? Do they use the native branding if available? If it's a PS4 exclusive being seen on the One, how do you approach that?
One last thing, if Nintendo, Xbox and Playstation is short-sighted enough not to allow Sega Forever because advertising is not part of their model, I hope Atari's new system is smart enough to accept it. The entire Sega collection for free is enough to buy a new Atari if they have it and none of the other guys do.
@CyberEarth: But your first words were "High def has lag". Even though you are right that for all practical purposes today, high-def has lag, someone could design a lower-ping 4K 3D Monitor. There were a couple models of Sony HD CRTs which had an HDMI and 720p and 1080i, but those suckers are heavy. over 40 inches.
There are a few monitors with a technology which has 1 millisecond technology I read about. It should be able to do everything except light gun games, and maybe SegaScope 3D games.
Every other game should be low ping "enough" where it doesn't significantly affect the practical human reaction time. 1 millisecond second compared to a 120 Hz frame time of 16.7 ms is good. You need an industrial high speed camera that films at 1000 frames/second to be able to tell the difference between a CRT and one of these monitors.
The only reason light guns don't work on modern TVs (including these ones) is that modern TV has a constant light and there are "pigments" in between the light and your eyes to create color. That why darks are not pure black.
CRT TVs work by aiming an electron gun to things which light up. It has to do each pixel in sequence. Therefore it does it one dot at a time. What a light gun does is measure "when" it receives light to the nearest unit somewhere between a microsecond and a nanosecond. The computer takes the time code of the gun and translates that to a frame and pixel it locks on. Since the light is always on on a LCD/Plasma/LED/other modern technology, it can't accurately sense when based the dot pattern timing. It no longer depends on where you aim the cursor.
But in theory, a At Games Sega Genesis should play Justifier/Menacer/Light Phaser games correctly, if HDMI could do 480i or Low-definition progressives natively. So one good thing to add would be a "light gun port" to hook up a Genesis to a CRT TV with Component Video/S-Video/Composite Video/RF Video in 480i. The only way you can totally remove it is if you make a light-gun accurate CRT TV with 480i, 240p and other retro standards on HDMI standards that are also light gun accurate.
@CyberEarth: what I was saying is that if there was a way to make hi-def CRT images, then the HDMI signal nor the high definition is not inherently laggy. The culprit is the TV display technology. If I plug standard definition in my PS3DTV, it would lag, not because the signal is laggy, but the TV display technology is laggy. If someone made a 20 inch CRT, 4K, 3D, 30-bit color monitor, it would have under one MICROsecond lag. A standard definition TV technology other than CRT would be laggy. THere's nothing laggy about the high definition signal, it's just the fact no one makes a 4k, 3D, 30-bit Color CRT Monitor, which makes you think hi-def is automatically laggy.
HEre's one thing everyone is missing the boat on, video ping time. I have Sonic Spinball for the original Genesis, Wii Shop, and 360 Ultimate Genesis Collection. Most people would agree that you can play this game on instinct and do pretty well without having to memorize specific paterns, and that relies on quick reactions. The last few times I picked it up, I was able to get to the 4th and final level easily on the Genesis version.
I tried the 360 verision, it was fairly delayed on HDMI TV cord going to a Playstation 3D display. the second level was giving me problems on this version. The 360 version played through the component cables on a CRT TV was worse, not being able to beat the first level the first time. That's because the games are stored natively in HD video and have to be down-converted, hence the delay on what should be exactly like the Genesis cart if the video would have stated in 480i.
Ironically enough, because the Wii U-in-Wii-mode Wii Classic console version tries to play exactly like the original, and the Wii was originally meant for 480i TVs, it understood the low-defintion progressives of 240p, and through the component cables on the CRT TV, I was able to get to level 4 on there also. There was a slight delay in the HDMI TV.
There is nothing wrong with the connection technology. If there were such a thing as a CRT that can display high definition video, then as far as I know the high definition games should play ping free, assuming there's no resolution converting in the software. Here's the ultimate test. Have the guy who says he can beat Tyson easily on a CRT TV try it with a Wii or Wii U hooked up through component cables or composite cables on a CRT TV that accepts them. If he can play ping free and beat Mr. Dream (the license to Tyson expired) then it's a not a problem in the emulation, it's a problem in the TV display technology. Finall if there were such a thing has an HDMI CRT TV, plug the NES classic into THAT and see if THAT is still ping free.
Don't believe me, here's someone similar opinion on Punch OUt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH1ZH71P_fE&t=102s
What happened to the 3D Version? Is this another movie made for 3D not willing to take our extra $5 for 3D? Like Frozen? Must I purchase outside of the USA to get a 3D copy?
You don't need an expensive TV to have a 3D video Game experience. You could use red/cyan glasses. I have 3DInfinity, an Xbox Indie game that runs off red/cyan. The red and cyan lines on the screen are now so thin that 90% of the colors shine through, and the red and cyan are only for accent. (By the way, that has a shutter 3d-Mode too) Also remember the Sega Master System? That had a 3D image before 3D graphics were big, and that was done by a mechanical shutter, and took advantage of the fact that older TV's drew every other line on a screen, so you can add 3D looks by making alternate the 2 different scans left eye and right eye. How much was the Master System when it came out? And didn't it work with any TV back then? How about making a Sega Scope-like device as an an attachment to a video game instead of buying a separate TV. (The idea would probably fly better on a Wii where hi-def is not as much of an issue)
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