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10 Tips for Raising Well- Adjusted Parents (part 2)

As promised, here is part 2:D

  1. Keep an eye on them. You never really know what they're up to, so it's a good idea to spend time with them now and then just to see what's on their minds. This is also a good time to reinforce any point you have been trying to make lately.
  2. Never let them see you sweat. If you lose your cool, you lose your power. Where parents are concerned, indifference is your greatest weapon. If they're having temper tantrums and laying down all sorts of ridiculous rules, don't argue. Don't show any reaction at all. This drives them nuts. When they're finished, calmly suggest that it might be better to have this discussion when they're feeling more rational. ( When I'm in this situation, I suggest anger management:lol::wink: )
  3. Show, don't tell. Parents can be really stupid, and yes, they need everything spelled out for them. So if you want them to think of you as someone other than a 10 year old, you have to act grown up around them so they really get the picture. They need to see you completing your schoolwork, doing your chores, and generally acting like you're in charge of yourself. This is the only way they will "get it."
  4. Make it appear as though they're not really losing the battle. Make it a win-win situation by giving them a point for every few you win. If they finally caved in and gave you permission to go to the mall, offer to pick up something that they need. Or, once in awhile, if they argue to let you stay out past curfew, come home early anyway. Try to give them the impression that being responsible is actually important to you.
  5. Never give up. You parents have a very short attention span, so it's important to make your point many times. Letting them see you treat your bratty sister lovingly once isn't going to do the trick; they need to see this behavior many times before they come to understand it. Hang out with them and campaign every chance you get. Talk to them at breakfast, call them at school, show up for dinner. Let them know that the only way to get rid of you is by giving you what you want.

Today is the 2 year anniversary of me breaking my right foot in track:evil: Some of you may have heard me talk about it: this is the one where I broke it 2 days before our first meet:evil: I was long-jumping and I tripped over a mound of sand in the pit and broke it:cry: I'm still really mad about this:evil: