I can't believe it's been 2 years already! :shock: So much has happened since then :lol: One year ago at this time I set goals of where I wanted to be now. On the left is my original goal and on the right is the actual :D
200 reviews = 334 reviews
150 friends = 308 friends
2000 forum posts - 4,661 forum posts
1000 submissions = 1,368 submissions
439 blog entries = 393 blog entries
level 40 = level 30
Well, 4 out of 6 is still pretty good :oops: :lol:
Now to set new goals for this year :D *thinks* How about 500 reviews, 25 editorships, 7000 forum posts, 2500 submissions, 550 blog entries, and level 50 :D Those should be reachable :lol: