- They take out their bad moods on you.
- They don't stick to a punishment.
- They try to bribe you.
- They shut you out by keeping secrets from you.
- They constantly compare you to your brother or sister.
- They have different rules for you and your siblings.
- They give you the silent treatment.
- They think they're spending time with yu, but they're really thinking about something else.
- They tell your secrets to other people ( my mom does this all the time!:evil: )
- They send you mixed messages.
- They don't listen!
- They don't bother telling you when you've done something good.
- They fight in front of you and tell you to take sides in the argument.
- They don't tell you about their past and about your ancestors.
- They try to "fit in" with your friends, like they're part of the crowd.
- They don't punish you fairly.
- They make fun of you in front of your friends.
- They ask you to perform in front of their friends.
- They expect you to enjoy something just because they did - like listening to the Grateful Dead.
- They tell you not to do something - like tell lies - when you know that they do it all the time.
- They try to act like they're perfect.
- They don't apologize when they're wrong.
- They're serious all the time.
- They tell you what your opinions should be.
- They make fun of your favorite things ( like my dad and my obsession with Danny Phantom:evil: )
- They ask your friends too many questions.
- They don't include you in major family discussions - like where you'll live.
- They blame you for things you didn't do.
- They forbid you to do something they don't ever understand, like go to a party that's really going to be safe.
- They act like your parents!
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