For those of you who have no idea what an anagram is, it's a word or phrase that contains all the letters of another word of phrase in a different order:P
- A Decimal Point = I'm A Dot In Place
- Alec Guinness = Genuine Class
- Animosity = Is No Amity
- Astronomers = Moon Starers
- Clint Eastwood = Old West Action
- Contradiction = Accord Not In It
- Debit Card = Bad Credit
- Desperation = A Rope Ends It
- Dormitory = Dirty Room
- Eleven plus two = Twelve Plus One
- Evangelist = Evil's Agent
- George Bush = He Bugs Gore
- George Herbert Walker Bush = Huge Berserk Rebel Warthog
- Leroy Newton Gingrich =Yon Right-winger Clone
- Margaret Thatcher = That Great Charmer
- President Clinton of the USA = To copulate he finds interns
- Princess Diana = End Is A Car Spin
I got my 11th editorship yesterday:lol: It's for Loreena McKennitt:D She's a Celtic singer in Canada.