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For Anyone Who Has Ever Had an Evaluation (part 2)

16. "He brings a lot of joy whenever he leaves the room." 
17. "When his IQ reaches 50, he should sell." 
18. "If you see two people talking and one looks bored, he's 
the other one." 
19. "A photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on." 
20. "A prime candidate for natural de-selection." 
21. "Donated his brain to science before he was done using it." 
22. "Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train 
isn't coming." 
23. "He's got two brains cells, one is lost and the other is 
out looking for it." 
24. "If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice 
a week." 
25. "If you give him a penny for his thoughts, you'd get change." 
26. "If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean." 
27. "It's hard to believe he beat out 1,000,000 other sperm." 
28. "One neuron short of a synapse." 
29. "Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled." 
30. "Takes him 2 hours to watch 60-minutes." 
31. "The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead.