trm6 / Member

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I stopped a thief!

I went shopping with a friend at Walmart yesterday. We stopped off at the McDonald's in the store for lunch. While we were there, a woman with a bunch of little kids came in and sat on the other side of the restaurant. She left before us, and forgot her purse :shock: I kept watching it thinking maybe she would come back, but she never did :(

Meanwhile, some guy comes in the restaurant, and makes his way to the purse. He stops outside the booth and looks around. He sees me looking at him, and sits down on the other side of the purse :( I kept watching him to make sure he didn't steal anything from it. He kept watching me as well. He tried to make it indiscreet, so he would look at me, then look above my head at the mural painted there :roll: I guess he was waiting for an opening where he could steal the purse or something from it without me seeing him.

I told my friend about him, and he started watching the guy as well. So I left him there to watch the guy and the purse, and then went to talk to the cashier about the purse. While I'm talking to the cashier about it, some woman goes to get it for me, and we give it to the cashier for safekeeping. After we hand over the purse, the guy walks out, and gives me the dirtiest looks I've ever seen in my life :shock: :cry: :evil:

I told my parents about him, and they're terrified now :( Get this: they won't let me go anywhere by myself for a week or so :evil: What the heck!? :evil: I seriously doubt this guy would hold a grudge and stalk me :evil: Oh well :roll: