Northeast Indiana and several surrounding areas got hit with a really bad ice storm on Thursday night :( The good news is I didn't have to go to school on Friday :lol: :P The bad news: power outages for nearly 80% of all Allen County (some can't be fixed until Christmas Eve), my house got part of the blackout (from 8 am yesterday to just a few minutes ago), trees are down everywhere and are blocking major roads, and a limb fell off of our tree and fell right through the roof :shock: :cry: The damage isn't as bad as it sounds though :D But we did get the worst of it on our street :evil: :cry: I got hit in the head with a limb too :( My head hurt so bad I had to come in and take a nap :lol: :roll:
I've got lots and lots of damage pictures to share, so I'll post those tomorrow or Monday :D :D :D