I know it's mean to laugh at people when they fall and hurt themselves, but what happened yesterday was just too funny:lol:
My mom and I usually go for walks around town on her days off work. Yesterday, we went for a walk at a cemetery downtown. I know that sounds creepy, but it's really pretty there:D
We went to that cemetery a few months ago when my sister and I were working on our leaf collection. Our favorite tree was the ginkgo, but we couldn't find it anywhere, so everytime we go walking at that cemetery, we look for it.
Well, we found it, but it involved going downhill to get to it:( My mom doesn't like going downhill because she has bad knees (just like me). She was complaining about her knees when, all of a sudden, she tripped over a pot hole and fell facefirst on the ground. She tried to break the fall by throwing out her arms and catching herself, but she only scraped her hands, and fell on her back and rolled a little ways downhill (about 3 feet at the most) :lol:
As soon as I made sure she was okay, I started laughing my head off:lol: It was so funny:lol:
She bruised and scraped her leg, arms, right hand, and her elbow. She also hurt her shoulder and she had a hard time lifting it above her head last night:( She's at work now, so I suppose she's feeling better:)
When we got home yesterday, she told me that if I said anything about her fall to my dad or sister, she would ground me for a week:shock::? She, instead, tried to come up with a new story about fighting off a mugger who wanted to steal her purse and cell phone:roll::lol:
My dad didn't believe it. When she finished her story, my dad looked at her and said, "You fell didn't you." :lol: I got to tell the real story after that:lol: