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Sand Dunes pics + Updates :)

I promised these pics a month ago, but I've been really busy with finals and the computer crashing and all that :( I'm sorry :( The good news is that the computer is running a heck of a lot better :D And I got three A+'s this trimester :shock: In Latin, Government, and in Environmental Science :twisted: :D The environmental science A+ is a shock because half the class failed :lol: I shouldn't laugh, that's not funny :( :lol:

So here are the pics! :D

I love how the bush turned out in this picture :D

This was just starting out on the trail :)

This is on the other side of the trail :lol: :D

This was at the beach :D I'm not sure what that factory is, or the person in the pic, but the water is Lake Michigan :D

This was a good picture of the waves :D

I like this picture :D I think the city over the water is Gary, Indiana, but I'm not entirely sure...

More water :lol:

Another pic of the beach and water :D

See the board walk? It's evil :lol: It doesn't look hard to climb, but it was over 2 miles long, and it was very hot :( But the view was amazing! :D :lol:

See? A great view :D :lol:

Pretty picture, evil hill :lol: It was so steep, we all had to run to get enough momentum to get up it :lol: I was the first girl up, and the first one to think of running up it :lol: Keesler, an old friend of mine, tried racing me up it, and when he saw I was winning, he tried to push me :evil:

The hill was worth it though, becasue this view awaited us :D

See the little dip in the sand there? That's where Keesler tried to push me :shock: It was a very steep drop, so he's very lucky I caught myself before I fell :(

Another amazing view :D I love this picture :D

This is another view from the top of the hill :D I love this picture too :D

Another steep view of the hill and beach :D

This is just too cool :D Those poor Cottonwoods are going to fall someday though :(

So, that's some of the pictures I promised :D I was going to show more, but these pics took over an hour to upload and get here, and I just don't have that much time anymore :( *sigh* That's okay though because these pics are still good :)

So, onto updates :D Hmm... I really don't have too much to say :lol: I've been getting to know Logan a lot better lately :) We've been hanging out after school, and we still have 2 hour long phone conversations :lol: At this time, we have finally made it clear to each other that we both like each other, and now we're "unofficially going out" :) We can't really go out yet because of things we need to take care of first :( I'm not exactly sure when we'll be able to officially go out, but right now, we both seem content with the way things are :)

I went to the midnight premiere of New Moon the other night :D :D :D My sister and I went together, and we both sort of dressed up :lol: Since I'm Team Jacob, I wore my team jacob shirt and had pawprints on my face, and since Lindsay is team Edward, she had her Edward shirt on and brought along her bag, buttons, etc. Basically, anything with Team Edward on it :lol: :roll: As the movie played, I booed whenever Edward came on screen, and cheered when Jacob was on :lol: I wasn't the only one so I didn't look like an idiot :lol: The Team Edwards in front of me didn't find it very funny :lol: :wink: Oh well :lol: So the movie itself was really good :D :D :D I love it!!!! :D It was so much better than Twilight :D

Hmm...what else to say....:? :lol: I don't know :lol: I found out I'm a great bowler :D I went bowling last night with Lindsay, her boyfriend, her 2 friends, Logan, and Logan's brother :D I came in last on the first game because I didn't try, but I tried the second game, and I beat them all by a long shot :twisted: It was fun :D The best part about it though was that they all seemed to adopt me intot their group :D It's probably because Logan and I are sort of going out, but still :) It felt nice to have friends and hang out with them :)

Hmm...well, I've been on the computer all day so I'd better get off now :oops: I'll try to come online more :D