This is the last part of this series:D
A group of high school guys I know were out driving around creating chaos wherever they could. While coasting through a residential area, they realized that they were doing about 55 mph and seeing as how it is a 25 mph zone, they were really risking it. Lo and behold, a cop spotted them and turned on it's lights, ready and willing to give the driver a massive ticket. Being the extreemly smart people these guys are, they decided to out run the cop and hide in a parking lot. Just so happens the parking lot they chose was the police station parking lot.
I used to work at an outdoor tourist attraction in Arkansas. One day a man came up and asked if I had a wire coat hanger as he had locked his keys in his car. I gave him a spare hanger that I kept for such emergencies and he proceeded to try to get into his electric-locked automobile. He struggled for 15 or 20 minutes in the 90 degree heat and was becoming quite frustrated when his wife, who had been standing by watching said, "Well, if you can't get it with that -- here (pulling something from her purse) use my keys!"
There was once a man who was on the telephone with a computer/internet catalog company. He was ordering something from that company and the operator told him that she needed his credit card number. He responded with a simple "OK" and, after a long pause the operator responded "Well?" He then answered "I just sent it to you." It turns out he put his credit card in the disk slot. That's idiocy right there.