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The 7 Most Recurring Dreams and What They Mean

I've been having some pretty weird dreams lately, so I looked up dreams on the internet to see what they mean. I found this and I thought it was interesting:

1. Being naked. This dream represents feelings of being exposed in some embarrassing way, not the fear that you will forget to wear clothes one day. Finding yourself naked in a classroom may mean that you aren't prepared for a test or project at school.

2. Falling. You may be afraid of failing at something. Or it could mean that you can't keep up with your friends or that you don't measure up. Falling dreams can also mean that you have a sense of failure about a specific situation.

3. Teeth Falling Out. These dreams can mean that you're concerned about your appearance and that gorgeous smile of yours. But it can also mean that you're worried about what your friends and teachers think of you.

4. Taking an exam. If you dream that you can't complete an exam in the allowed time, if you are late for the exam, or if your pencil keeps breaking during a test, you are feeling insecure and worried that you are letting others down.

5. Being chased. If you are running away, hiding, or trying to outwit your pursuer, it may mean that yu're afraid of dealing with fears, stress, or problems in your life. Instead of confronting the situation, you're avoiding it.

6. Flying. Many people have found flying dreams an exhilarating, joyful, and liberating experience. It may mean that you are prepared and on top of a given situation or that you have gained a different viewpoint  on things. Your feel undefeatable, and nobody can tell you what you cannot do and accomplish. You have a sense of freedom.

7. Weird dreams that make no sense. If you dream, for example, that a large blue shoe is sitting next to you in a spaceship made of marshmallows, your mind is probably searching for a solution to a specific problem.

My dreams are always like number 5 or number 7:( Which number suits you?