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Top 20 Signs That You've Stayed At Your Job Too Long

  1. The company name on the building has changed 4 times and you're still in the same cube.
  2. You began your job before your co-workers were born.
  3. You see someone with your server on the Antiques Roadshow.
  4. You're called the "Father of the MIS department" and the server room is named after you.
  5. You don't need to wake up to get to work. Your car automatically drives to work and your feet automatically walk to your desk.
  6. You have a chair that no one else can sit in because it has molded perfectly to your butt.
  7. When you know *why* everything is the way it is, and everyone else just does it because "that's the way it's always been done."
  8. You are able to understand both the Pointy-Haired Boss and Human Resources, and their ideas are sounding like they make sense.
  9. The project nicknames start making sense. (Our current project names were all lifted from the middle part of "Bohemian Rhapsody.")
  10. Your first reaction to any question is "Bite me."
  11. You haven't had a substantial raise in two years, but have managed to accumulate five days of personal leave.
  12. You can name 80 people you've worked with through the years, in a five-person office.
  13. The old-timers try to scare the newbies with tales of how the building is haunted . . . and you're the main character.
  14. The HR director has to purchase a separate file cabinet for your personnel file.
  15. The years-served award you receive is tasteful, valuable, AND useful.
  16. You're listed in the inventory, alongside the furniture.
  17. The trees that they planted when you moved into the "new building" are now being removed because of old age.
  18. Your PHB actually knows your name.
  19. All your mistakes catch up with you.
  20. Your employers generally let you know by downsizing you.