What an interesting night.... PSFANBOY sparked one of the greatest controversies in Playstation HISTORY. Yesterday a hackers that goes by the user name REDSOXFAN95 won a rare auction item, which slighted millions of genuine gamers. In an at...tempt to show good sportsmanship and say to this individual 'Good Job', we uncovered that this user has been banned from several trophy leadereboards, and other trophy sites for cheating/ hacking. We also discovered that he was investigated for stealing and illegally using the profiles of other, to solicit 'free' gaming. This was all unearth after googling for a few minutes. The only problem is that SONY declared him an official winner.... which didnt sit well with us. We contacted Sony via PS.com, and on their facebook page and got ignored, while they promoted the next item for auction. We persisted and created a blog posting on PS.com which sparked over sixty powerful comments within a short period of time. This posting also started to attract the attention of larger gaming companies who also started posting aggressively on their respective sites. I recieved a PM from a moderator on the site, thanking me for posting, and apologizing for not hearing me the first time, then assuring me that they are now aware and investigating it. To add insult to injury, this attracted to the one man in the world who is most affected by hackers, the man who own the #1 sport for the most trophies. He has over 2000+ gold trophies. The lagendary 'HAKOOM'. He made several posts that echos the fact that Sony has ignored his plea for the last three years about hackers. He even ofered suggestions and his own IT experience to ade the problem but got ignored numerous times on PS forums and on the phone. His last statements, echoed frustration and relief that this matter is finally being heard. I hate to say it but, XBOX hackers hide in the shadows shamefully, Playstation hackers gets prizes....