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GH3 for Xbox 360 Sold Out ARGGHH!

The title pretty much sums it up. I am absolutely stunned that this game cannot be found ANYWHERE. I have visited every website I can think off (except ebay (no way in hell I'm paying $150!)), 3 GS's, 3 BB's, 2 Targets, and 2 Wal-Marts, and I can't find a single solitary xbox 360 bundle. I wouldn't be surprised to have this result if today was October 28th, but the game has been out for a freaking month and a half (for anyone who might say "you should have preordered it" just read that last line a couple more times and let it sink in)!

I expect these shortages from consoles, but games?!?! Games aren't exactly hard to manufacture; they usually role off the assembly lines by the millions. I see this as complete laziness from stores and Activision not to have the foresight to see this coming. Only a complete moron wouldn't know that this game is going to be in very high demand after it's initial sales and the sales of GH2 last Christmas.

Furthermore, why the hell is just the 360 version sold out? Among those stores I visited, 90% of them had at least 2-3 PS3 bundles in stock, and all of the websites had PS3 bundles. Hell, a couple of the stores even had Wii bundles! What is the deal? Are stores really so retarded that they would stock the same number of PS3 bundles as Xbox 360 bundles when the 360 has more than twice the installed user base?

This is just unacceptable. For a game that has been out this long to be sold out across the board is ridiculous.