I have a confession, yestderday, while my parents was asleep and my bro was too busy with the PC, i took my iPod, went down stairs, listening to Center of the Sun (Solarstone's Chilled-Out Remix) by Conjure One, (one of my favrioute songs of all time) went into the living room with my knife, and tried to commit suicide twice :cry: First time, i lacked the courage, second time i blackouted, woke up a few mins later and cried :cry:
I tried, because i'm tired of being the third wheel in everything. My brother is more popular than me (even though he dosen't think so), i used to have some friends, but they only rarely talk to me, to hear how my bro is and what he's up to. Then there's friends who i used to trust, friends i would die for, but they simply grew tired of me, hurted me emotionally and blocked me :(
I know i have a few friends and my GF, that's why i cried :cry: I don't deserve any symphaty, just some punches and all. :( If anyone decides to untrack me, stop talking to me, so be it. :( God i'm a a$$hole. :(