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truthbetold101 Blog

XMB for PS3 lol

i know that microsoft "patented" the xmb player so you can play music durring all games, but there are so many loop holes to that its not even funny. I really want sony to actually exploit those loop holes NOW!!!!! lol i mean, having your own music for online play with kz2 is cool and all, but they seriously need to put it into all games. And im not trying to start a discussion about how we need to appreciate the music that the games come with, but seriously, if that is all we can listen 2 thats kinda unfair, i mean, how many of you listen to the same album you own a hundred freakn times if you dont enjoy is as much as you do other music. im my opinion its unfair to the player, considering not all of us are money makin pimps who gat enough for a 700 wat sterio YO lol 8)

what do ya'll think?