I apologise about the lack of video blogs I've been making to anyone who cares. I really enjoy making them and I want to make more but there's something wrong with user videos for me.
First I was waiting till I played the Xbox 360 that my brother got (I was going to make a written blog with it so when that's made it will be a while after I got it). Now I don't care about that as there is another reason.
Even though I have Macromedia Flash Player 9 it says that I have to have Macromedia Flash Player 7 or higher at the user video section (as well as the bar at the rating section and certain things on the Gamespot homepage). I know I don't need to see the user video I upload onto Gamespot I made, I feel it doesn't make sense to not be able to see it when I made it.
I posted this in the Technical Support forum but they told me to go to Customer Support. I asked at customer support so I may get that around Tuesday or Wednesday most likely.
I tried downloading Macromedia Flash player 9 again (many times) but it still is not working and it is begginning to annoy me. I also feel I'm losing touch with the Gamespot community as I can't see the great user videos that people are coming out with.
Well hopefully this problem will be rsolved soon as I want to get back to video blogging but if it never gets resolved I'll just have to live with it and not be able to see videos I upload.