of course they're having trouble with limits close to launch they haven't worked with the machines long enough to learn all the tricks give it a year or two more, and good god leave it to Japan wow that is one crazy place they'll put anything a thirteen year old boy dreams about in a game or on anything lol
Plus I love me some Achievements. Awesome Achievements ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO so addicting got to get that achievement why I don't know don't ask just let me get it. If my PS3 had the achievements attached to my PSN tag then wow I would be all over the big black dust magnet like apes on banana's. MMMMM Achievements taste like chicken!
I have both machines but I definetly use my 360 way more. I have even done this same test at home and my 360 looks better to me on the game I have done the test on. But hey my PS3 gets used for Blu ray and MGS4 at least there is that. Oh yah I almost forgot it also keeps the dust away from my 360!!!! Thank you PS3.
They should of added the other analog stick I mean for the love of god come on we NEED 2 ANALOG STICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tsiper's comments