Narrator: Last time on Fight to the Death, Team Damion Legacy had caused a big explosion around Team two. What has happened to team two? Is GT really dead? Lets find out in Fight to the Death 2!!
Dragon: OWWWWW!!
Death: I lived, I LIVED!!!
Dragon: Where's Lesley?
Death: Did she.....
Dragon: SHE DIED!!! YA-HOO!!!!!
Lesley: I'm gonna kill you!!
Dragon: Who said that?!
Death: It wasn't me! LESLEY!
Lesley: I'm not dead!
Dragon: Darn!
(Lesley hit Dragon in the nose)
Dragon: Owww!
Lesley: Lets go attack Team "Damion Legacy!"
(Goes to where Team one is)
Amber: Why did you guys run away?!
Kei: Well we had to get out of there because GT was hurt......and you could handle yourself anyway, right?
Amber: Yeah...BUT THATS NOT THE POINT!!!! Well anyway, hows GT?
Kei: He's not doing so know you did hit him really hard.
Amber: It's not my fault Dragon moved.
(Footsteps approaching behind them)
Amber: I think we have some company.
Corrina: Thats right dear sister!!
Amber: You guys!
Dante: Thats right!
Amber: Kei what do we do? I would fight but GT is still injured.
Jimmy: We should attack now, since one of their members is injured.
Corrina: Team geeks go!
Kei and Amber: ......HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Corrina: Whats so funny?
Amber: Its your *giggle* team name.
Corrina: Whats wrong with it?
Amber: *giggle, giggle* ...nothing.
(Gt wakes up)
Gt: What happened?
Kei: Amber hit you upside the.....
(Amber put her hands over kei's mouth)
Amber: Dragon attacked you.
Amber: Well anyways we're about to battle. You don't have to help if you don't want to.
Gt: Of course I want to help. I'm gonna build up my strenght for DRAGON! Grrr! I'll take the little short girl!!
Amber: My sister? Corrina? Ok!
Amber: Shut up! Yes you are! I'll take Jimmy!
Jimmy: Bring it on Fat Man!
Amber: *gasp!* I'm not a man and I'm not fat either!!!!
Jimmy: can think whatever you want to think.
Amber: Thats it!!! You're mine!!
Kei: I guess that just leaves you Dante.
Dante: I guess it does.
Team 1 and 4: Let the fight begin!!!!
Narrator: What end the story here? You stupid fu......OH! We're back?! Why didn't anyone tell me that? Hi, audience. Well here the story ends for now. Right at the good part too! Well, how does this battle end? What will become of Team Damion Legacy? And will GT really kick Dragon's butt?(I hope so for after what he "did" to him) Find out in the next episode!
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