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tt_rss' forum posts
Thanks, I do want to clarify though. By 'new', I mean new to me. The games do not need to be recently released at all. :)
Hello all,
I am looking for suggestions regarding which new games might interest me. Below is a list of the games I do have and enjoy, to give you an idea about the kind of games I like. Please do not suggest any first-person or real time strategy games (I can't play first-person games on consoles to save my life -- it is a source of endless frustration to me as a cry out for someone to please, please hand me a keyboard and a mouse). I tend to prefer tough 2D platformers, 'action adventure games' along the lines of Darksiders and DMC and the like, but I am open to other genres (just not shooters or rts games -- I use my PC for those). As a rule, the games must be reasonably fast-paced and twitch-heavy -- I am not afraid of difficulty.
Here are some games i've completed fully or nearly so, and enjoyed immensely:
Ninja Gaiden 2
Devil May Cry 4
Dark Souls
Castle Crashers
Super Meat Boy
Perfect Dark (exception to the first-person rule -- special, old-school control scheme available and vast n64 experience)
Orcs Must Die
The Dishwasher: VS
Alien Hominid HD
Bloodrayne: Betrayal
Gunstar Heroes
Super Contra
Thanks in advance.
Civilization V uses Steamworks which means that you have to run Steam to play the game even if you buy it somewhere else.
i have personally seen someone play Civ V(out of the box) on the uni wireless. Maybe parts of the steam service is still accessible with all ports closed. Perhaps I could log on and play SP games, but not connect to MP servers. It is worth checking I suppose. I've never actually tried it, I was just told that "Steam didn't work".
edit: It won't even update.
Have you asked your network support if they could open the ports needed for Steam for you?inoperativeRS
Not possible i'm afraid. Ports may only be opened if we can provide academic reasons for needing them to be open. They are very strict about it. Never heard of anyone managing to open a port. If Civ V is truly always ran through Steam and Steam turns out to be completely inaccessible I guess i'll just have to torrent the game when I go home for christmas. Pity really.
I want to buy Civ V digitally, but I need a digital store to buy it from. My uni network blocks pretty much every port, but I can get games from D2D and GOG. Unfortunately GOG is for older games, while D2D doesn't sell Civ V (for whatever reason) to the Netherlands (which my UK ISP is apparently routed through), so I can't get it there (no, support can't help me, I tried). Steam and the like are not options, as they are all blocked. What I need is a non-torrent digital download store, with no steam-like application required.
Hi. I was looking to buy a soccer game, and I don't want one based on the World Cup, so I took a look at FIFA Soccer 10, but reading reviews it seems to me like everyone who has played the PC version say it's absolutely horrible, while XBOX and PS3 players think it's great. It's not a small difference, we're talking about 4.4 vs 8.7 user score here on Gamespot, and the criticism is -not- primarily about performance and graphics, but talks about gameplay. What's going on?
I personally thought Fallout 3 was complete garbage. It has a large world, but it is terribly uninspired, the combat is boring(I can't think of any game with FPS combat that is so bad and unsatisfying), the 'choices' are meaningless and from what i can gather in this thread, the story sucked too(I couldn't bear playing it long enough to find out). It seems difficult to find redeeming qualities. The only one lies in the massive game world that a lot of people seem mysteriously drawn towards. How anyone would want to spend more than an hour or two exploring it is inconceivable to me, but I guess that's what gaming has become.
[QUOTE="tt_rss"]Hi. I am looking for games with the same style of combat system as Final Fantasy games up to and including 10, but NOT the awful ones in 12 and 13. Available systems: PC, Xbox360, PS2, N64, everything earlier via emulators. Thanks.KeredsBlazei don't know how you could call ff13 battle system awful, considering it is the best of the entire series, but anyways, you might like Lost Odyssey, give that a try If your idea of best is a system that doesn't actually let you play....
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