I bought a few months over the christmas break as i had time off and wanted to try a few of my new games online. Ive been Involved in online gaming since the original quake, and have tried most console's online features (excluding ps2).
Setting up XBL was Very easy and fast, just gave it a credit card number, made a new profile, and i was online in about 2 minutes, so very easy to use. looked around the marketplace for new videos, maybe some of these tv shows/movies i'd heard about i could download, but nothing. apparently, because i live in Australia and not the U.S. all i could download was A robbie williams concert. I thought it was a bug, but it turned out to be region specific content, which was extremely disappointing.
Ok, next stop the arcade! Some really good stuff, i bought golden axe and double dragon for just under $10 apiece, both really great, the games look great and the online works well in a coop game, was very happy with the arcade in general.
Next, HALO3! After playing the campaign on legendary twice, (hey i like a decent singleplayer), i was eager for some slayer shenanigans. This is how i was introduced to the way that XBL set up my games, you set filters for what you want in terms of gameplay, ie DM/ TDM and general size/game rules, and the game then dumps you with 11 or so people of seemingly random nationalities. I then pressed A and the game began. So extremely easy to get into a game and get playing, much like you would start a singleplayer game. but there seemed to be no way to get server information, or choose my own based off a list of compatible games, XBL would just pick for me, but then i noticed something else, my latency swung between two extremes, A latency/ping that i would ballpark at 400ms, or seeming LAN speed and everyone else quitting due to "lag"
So.. it would either dump me in an eastern europe server (when asia or even the US would be better), or HOST ON MY XBOX, for the poor unknowning denizens of the rest of the world, i had the same experiences with COD4 and GRAW. So a pretty average experience doing what-it-says-on-the-tin.
Coming from the PCgaming world of ISP dedicated servers, this was ridiculous. Its extremely easy to get into a game, but the experience suffers as a result. As per the original poster, compared to PC online ie Steam, XBL is a joke, where are the hundreds of FPS servers running 120+ people on dedicated servers? CS:S? DOD:S? TF2 24player? .
So all up, GREAT arcade, but anyone who thinks that XBL is as good as it can get, really has not seen online gaming on the PC in the past few years and what it has evolved to.
*but i do recommended getting golden axe, best damn thing about it*
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