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The educational merit of RPGs

It has been a while since I did anything productive on this site.

I still check it periodically. I read that Onlive article. It looks nice. The interwebs is a lovely thing.

Anyway about video games.

I have been addicted to video games my whole life...

except for the last 3 months. I have not touched a game.

And I don't know why. The last game I bought was rock band 2. Soon after I bought an actual drumset.

So that game became quite useless. The only reason to play that game anymore is to sing "you oughta know" by alanis morisette. What a horribly masochistic thing for any male to do.

But I digress.

I need to enter some sort of video game re-immersion program.

Maybe some sort of RPG. I was looking at Lost Oddysey. Not the game really, but the price tag. But I'm old school enough to love any RPG no matter how grindy.

Then I had a thought.

Playing Rock Band had a directly positive effect on my life.

I played game and it inspired me to get real instruments.

Now I play real instrument and I gain personal satisfaction.

Techniques I learned in that game actually improved my life.

Now try comparing that to any other game.

A shooter, I understand eventually you may end up shooting zombies/aliens/minorities

But I'm starting to realize how little RPG's are helping me with my life.

Badass sword techniques, Black magic, and general diety summoning are all anachronistic.

Nuclear Weapons > Bahamut

There are sort of moral lessons from RPG's I guess.

Every RPG does have the Heideggerian message which is like we have to become one with nature. It is always the Holy Nature Spirits which overcome the Evil Human Giant Machine.

The one exception is Pokemon. Pokemon is like screw nature. We can put all the useful plants and animals into little balls, put those on a computer which digitalizes them, and then forget about them as we level up our completely broken Umbreon. (I just realized I never had an Umbreon in Silver because of my 7 PM bedtime. Stupid game mechanics)

What else. There is a lot about friendship.

You can magically make friends with everyone. I especially do not understand how you can fight somebody and then have them immediately befriend you.

You just beat this person 8-10 times with a giant sword, set him/her on fire, and smacked him with a demon.

Ooh and whats up with Clerics.

Talk about religious propaganda. I mean I need an RPG where you can use natural healing techniques. Like a Native American character to replace the religious ones.

If you're wondering I'm listening to Mitch Hedberg right now so that can explain the lack of segways/sense?

Abrupt ending.

I think I will share my RPG idea next time. In however many years it takes me to post again.

Silver Lining

Life connected to video games had been going pretty badly recently.

i was going to starve myself for lost oddysey.

but the reviews were meh. Normally that wouldn't bother me. I used to buy all these mixed review rpgs. I love the baten kaitos series and they got 8's some places and 3's other places. The issue here is price

Rpg's and games with good stories are not always the best investment. You play it you beat it... you lend it to friends... you play it again in 10 years. clock in about 70 hours max usually.

A shooter or a rhythym game can clock you thousands of hours. Better investments

back with the gamecube price didn't matter, games were 40 and old games were 5 bucks.

But now games are 60 bucks, and they stay 60 bucks for a while.

but according to the post title something good happened.

And something did.

I've owned a 360 for two months. For 4 weeks out of those 2 months i've had no 360.

I got red ringed twice.

After the first one manufactured in 07, they sent me a new one manufactured in 06.

That one broke much quicker. From the start disc tray errors etc.

I just got my third one. And instead of being from like 1998 like i expected.

It was manufactured last week.

Microsoft is finally tired of giving me crappy hardware.

And that's a great feeling.

It's like they care.

Or their tired of paying for my shipping.

But either way I can relax about my hardware now and truly enjoy the games.

you know... if the games were affordable.

nothing in paritcular


If your not one of the many many people who read these blog posts ... which is all of you ...

Bear with me here

I am a complete diehard nintendo fan. Every gen since this one I bought nintendo consoles exclusively.

This year I decided to switch my style up and buy an xbox 360.

Honestly one could say I bought it for all the wrong reasons.

I'm barely ever online and sometimes just leave the plug disconnected. When I'm online I'm playing rock band with a band.

Speaking of rock band it's the only game I purchased.

I also played some guitar hero 2 and some bioshock.

GUitar hero 2 held my attention for a while since my xbox red ringed with the game inside and it took about 12 hours to open it and get the game out.

Then about a month to get the console back.

Bioshock was another story. I thought this game would be perfect. Amazing visuals. A SMART storyline. It's not a dumb as hell ninja's kidnapped the president, but it's not too confusing metal gear solid.

Prolly the most captivating story in a game so far.

That enough would make me want the game. But I'm also a big system shock 2 fan. So this game is perfect... in theory

Playing it was extremely underwhelming. Honestly I was bored in a short amount of time playing it.

Disappointment is not the word. I appreciate everything about the game and admit that it is good.

But I can't play it. Bioshock was theoretically one of the best games ever. But I find it unplayable

but now a game i've been all excited about for some time is lost oddysey.

I didn't know it was coming out so soon. i'm prolly going to reserve it now.

Nothing gets me excited like an rpg.

Any kind of rpg. Traditional, Strategy, Action, Card based, MMO all get my spine tingling.

I have yet to play an rpg I didn't like.

Well maybe there is one type of rpg i don't like.

They are the one's with the words final and fantasy.

WHy you ask?

I Don't know. The universe just doesn't captivate and interest me.

They are undeniably good games but the franchise itself doesn't captivate enough.

The thing about final fantasy is if one really got to you, all the others will too.

I never got into it.

So what was the point of this post.

Nothing nothing at all.

360... and rock band

Just got myself a 360 recently!!!!


Two weeks after I bought it got the red ring of death. WOOOH!

I was surprised at how well i took it.

I just called the discount site i bought it from and they said we'll charge you for another one, ship you another one.

Then when you ship the old one back the charge will dissapear.

Should arrive by tuesday

Everybody ended up happy. Especially me since i will have my 360 back in time for ROCK BAND.

Oh lord that game is gonna be great.

It was a hard decision but i decided to sacrifice my wallet and buy the whole bundle. Hell I even have my band set up already.

I'm probably going to end up singing or playing guitar.

Singing is gonna be fun for me because I am a shower singer with no shame.

I still see it as the least sell-able portion of the game though.

The only thing that worried me was downloadable content.

How do you have a qotsa pack without no one knows? Or at least burn the witch.

Anyways I need to start a petition to make the next full downloadable album californication by the chili peppers.

Every song on that album is absolutely awesome.

I just want to play every instrument of every song in that album.

Guitar on around the world.

Bass on I like dirt

Drums on otherside

sing parallel universe

They need to add this album.

As good as those songs are

The #1 rockout chill peppers song

Right on time also on californication.

I will be happy if that single song is in the game.

it's two minutes of crazy rap-singing, funky basslines, and (other adjective) drumming

Some one yell at harmonix till californication becomes downloadble.

Console Role playing games being displaced

Nowadays , You can see that the most hyped and the most played games are shooters. Well shooters and super smash brothers.

So basically the video game industry took a turn towards multiplayer games.

In every business aspect that is brilliant.

You're gonna need more controllers if you're multiplayer in one room so you sell more hardware.

Or in the case of microsoft you can sell online play.

So multiplayer games do cash in more then other games.

After realizing this, it burns a hole in my heart to realize that there is one genre that will falter and eventually dissapear because of the multiplayer craze.

The role playing game.

i am not talking about mmorpg's. But good old 80 hour long single player role playing games.

if you're talking to me this is the elite genre.

but my opinion is besides the fact here. It's clear that rpg's are going to dissapear for two reasons.

The first I mentioned earlier

MMORPG's. this brings the multiplayer that the industry is trying to sell, and it satisfies most rpg fans.

People might be drawn away by the price but the fact that you can play with your friends make mmo's worth it to most rpg fans.

So profit wise mmo's are a safe bet to most develping companies

The other factor that is killing rpg's is the video game price hike.

Assuming you had xbox live already. And you had 60 bucks.

Let's use for example halo 3 and blue dragon.

Assuming you would enjoy the games equally, which one would you buy.

Halo 3 of course. Because the storyline of blue dragon can only take you so far and then it's over.

But the multiplayer of halo 3 is going to keep you occupied until the next shooter that comes out

Standard rpg's can only offer so little bang for your buck.

As the prices of games rise throughout the generations of video games

Rpg's are going to be less and less intelligent investments.

The way the industry is going right now, there is no place for the role playing game on consoles.

They will live on through handhelds, for a while.

I haven't been happier since yesterday, when I popped tactics ogre into my ds.

Then I found games like lufia the ruins of lore and sword of mana.

All are spectacular and old rpg's for handhelds.

Plus with games like dqm joker and dragon quest IV coming out

Rpg's are going to be on handhelds for a while.

I'd say in one generation or maybe two.

Developers will have to stop making console role playing games, because the appeal is going down, and because there just won't be enough profit from this genre.


I consider myself a gamer of all genres. No matter what it is no matter how good no matter how bad I will play the game.

There has been one genre that has been really nt over the past little while.

The First Person Shooter or FPS has been a really nt genre recently.

The most played games out now are gears of war and Resistance fall of man

Two of the most anticipated games (opinion) are Halo 3 and Bioshock 

Besides the recent pokemon surge First Person Shooters have been hopelessly ting the market.

While nothing can compare to the unbridled joy of someone with an actual , all the must play games are shooters.

Admittedly, first person shooters are fun.

But the lasting power of these games is questionable to me.

I mean people can admit that the story mode in halo 2 or gears of war would not be enough to justify the game's greatness. These games are great for the multiplayer.

Play your friends or play a stranger there are actual people to play.

Shooters weren't always the most revered games in the genre.

From after the amazing goldeneye and perfect dark for n64

Shooters were really not a ting genre till around the time halo came out 

But now shooters are what people play.

A few problems arise with shooters though that kind of hurt the industry

The first is overhyping...

I mean there are some people who would give up half of their lifespan to be playing a full version of halo 3

Not anything against halo but we could always end up with another killzone

Shooters are most of the really hyped games of the industry.

Overhyping taints the developers image, the genre's image and the industry's image

The second is lasting power

If the multiplayer is all that's important.

You need other people to play.

If no one else is playing that game then your fun is sucked out of the game

That also comes with people who hack the game

Or people who find some ridiculous combo that sucks the fun out of the game.

In ten years you will not be playing the first person shooter your playing now

If storyline doesn't matter in a genre where gameplay has little flexibility it's hard to call any first person shooter a classic.

So shooter's don't have that much lasting power and in the future won't really be as remembered as they are now

It almost seems like first person shooters are a fad in the gaming industry

But is it really just about the pure fun? 

April Fools day

Let's see

On this April the 1st my favorite.... 5th favorite holiday

I called the aids hotline saying that I just recieved aids but my only "partner" was my dog.

 And I asked if that was common

If school was on I would have done worse

 I beat zelda twilight princess!

But it's not as good as windwaker/oot/majora's mask/link to the past/

It is better then links awakening/oracle of ages/seasons/minish cap/Wand of gamlore (what isn't)

Baten Kaitos Origins is my lover.

 I spend so much time with this game my other games are getting jealous



Level 20...

I've been level 20... forever. i can be on gamespot for hours each day doing everything possible and only get 1% a day. The second I get to level 21 I'm going crazy. But in the world of video games. I have no money. WHile next gen consoles look very exciting... I have no idea to which one to get. I''ve been a nintendo buyer my whole life not because it's nintendo but because of the prices and the great game quality. So really this holiday season I'm getting Zelda twilight princess for Gamecube and Baten Kaitos Origins. Then I'll be saving for a about 5-6 months and then probably getting a wii with whatever great games are out for it . If the console price hasn't dropped the game prices would have dropped so I'd be saving money anyway
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