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Dogs Playing Poker, Rat Boy, and More!

For a couple of years, I've played poker with this great group of guys. A friendly game at one of the player's House, we'd rotate hosts.

Since a picture is allegedly worth a thousand words, this legendary painting might best reflect the level of camaraderie amongst us.

dogsplaypokerpost.jpg picture by tuckgraph

I think it's titled, "Dogs Playing Poker." Genius! :)

I got into the game through my late father, and his next door neighbor. We'd play maybe once a month. But it was always a marathon affair, lasting into the wee hours of the morning. The host provided the vittles, and someone might bring a dish. It was low stakes, ten dollar buy in.

I don't know why I've been writing in past tense! We still get together, just a lot less frequently. I moved from the neighborhood, and things change. But we're supposed to get together next Saturday. It's been a while. I'll have my ten bucks and a dish! :)

One of our players, he went through some bad health problems. He moved up north to live with his daughter, then moved into a nursing home! I never got to see him after his problems started. That's the thing about the games. I only know most of these guys through a poker table! My former neighbor got a call from Barry, and he was feeling really down. This is where I'd say "I could imagine," but I can't.

So Johnny said Barry's birthday is coming up this week, and we should send him something, from his poker buddies. The painting immediately flashed in my mind's eye! But with a twist. :) Johnny got together some pics, and I assembled this bit of fun:

pokerproofonepost.jpg picture by tuckgraph

We have more players than dogs, so I had to become a waiter! :) We're going to make him a card, and also make a larger, framed version. I hope it makes him smile.

The Greatest Prank of All Time???
Pranks are the most delicate forms of humor. Perhaps the most callous. Very controversial. Some might say pranks have no place in a decent society. Those are the ones who usually have the "kick me" signs on their collective backs. :)

But seriously, pranks are mind fields (intentional typo), and I try to steer clear of them, either as giver or recipient. But as an observer... Last week I watched the 40 Greatest Pranks Ever, or whatever. From Candid Camera to Punk'd, and other nonsense, the good, the bad and the ugly.

The Number One Prank came from a show called Scare Tactics, I think. This guy was assisting someone who was taking inventory of a laboratory. The laboratory, now abandoned, was used for experiments in mutating animal and human DNA. Get the picture? Without further adieu, this is what I like to call Rat Boy:

Rat Boy

This segment made me laugh, big time. Here's the secret with pranks: it's all about the recipient. You have to know someone well enough, that you know they will appreciate it. If you don't have confidence in that, don't attempt it!

Let's see, what else... I guess that's about it. Oh, I made the jumbo shrimp tonight, marinated, stuffed with baby mozzarella, and wrapped in bacon! It's the only part of this blog that gets the Miss Priss Seal of Approval!

mpapproval.jpg picture by tuckgraph
