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Everybody's Got One

Today, October 23rd, I "celebrate" my birthday. This day of the year means different things to different people, especially as you get older. For some it slowly turns from pending joy to dread. Not for me. But it has become a day of reflection, what you've done with your life, and what you haven't.

This particular go round, I got to thinking about how I used to believe how things worked, a simpler time. I mean, I had some really weird misconceptions! Mostly between the ages of four and six, maybe eight. For instance...

There was a time... when I thought moms and dads were born that way, like brothers and sisters. I wondered where my wife was!

There was a time... when I thought smokestacks made clouds.

There was a time... when I thought Nixon was the only president. Elections totally blew my mind.

There was a time... when I didn't appreciate the concept of clothes. I didn't realize running around naked in the front yard was taboo. Butt whippings brought me to my senses!

There was a time... when I thought all criminals were caught and brought to justice.

There was a time... when I didn't know what pain was, physical or emotional.

There was a time... when I didn't understand the concept of a lie, or love.

There was a time... when I hated going to church, and felt really guilty about it. I didn't realize it wasn't a matter of faith or devotion. I'm just not good at mingling with crowds of strangers.

There was a time... when I didn't fear anything but mom and dad. In fact, now that they're gone, I don't fear anything! I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

And there was a time... when I thought we live forever.

I don't miss those times. Maybe there's a part of me that does. They're not really memories, but a state of mind unhindered by reality. Anyhow, try to celebrate every day, because it's always somebody's birthday somewhere! :)