Hello! Good evening! It's been a while. How's everyone been?
I hope you're doing well. Rarely do you find yourself in a place where you couldn't be doing worse, or better! I hope The Tuckgraph Show lets you forget about those considerations for a little while!
Here at The Tuckgraph Studios, we don't let such things concern us. When we lost The Little Red Shed (RIP), there was much apprehension. Then, a really big truck, with a forklift on the back, delivered a special package!
We'll get back to that in a minute. It's time for a new feature, called:
Things That Aren't Right
Why is it that a "bag man" is someone who collects money for the mafia, but a "bag lady" is just a homeless person? That's not right!
And another thing. Sometimes I'll get a roll of paper towels, and the whole role isn't right. I try to tear a tile off, and it's defective. It doesn't tear all the way, it leaves this tail coming off the next tile. I want to form some Paper Perforation Assurance Foundation, but I have no organizational skills. But still... :)
Speaking of tails, we have a guest tonight. We might have never had a guest on The Tuckgraph Show before, so it's kind of a big deal. It is, of course, my companion Miss Prissy. And it's also my first post to youtube! Without further adieutube, please welcome Miss Prissy!
Well that was different. :) No Tuckgraph Show is complete. Ever. No, I mean no Tuckgraph Show is complete without a cooking segment. That last TG show, it went on forever. But that chili will kick the most enormous butts! :)
Tonight it's simple. Stuffed jalapenos. People see jalapenos, and they rush out of the audience like they just saw The Blob!
Settle down. Once the jalapeno is cooked, it loses its heat, for the most part. Here's the recipe:
Get some medium sized jalapenas from produce. Slice them lengthwise, and dig out the seeds and stuff.
Stuff them with creme cheese. Sprinkle them with some spices. I use onion pownder and cayenne pepper. Wrap them in bacon! The ratio is one half bacon slice to one half jalapeno. You might consider using tooth picks to secure the bacon.
Bake at 376 farenheit for 36 minutes. Don't deviate! :)
I apologize about not having pics for the cooking segment. Use your imagination! :) Here's a pic af Daisy and Lilly instead.
Did that seem contrived? Okay, we've covered the cooking deal. :)
We'll finish up with the new shed. It seems kind of anti climatic, because so much went into the building of this shed:
I'll tell you, rarely do I hold so much pride in something I had so little to do with. And I hope you can carry that sentiment with you, because we're all in this together. Thank you. Love you guys. Goodnight!
I said goodnight. This isn't necessary. Alright.
From the Emails
This email comes from Kelly O. Belly, from Land of Lakes Toes Intolerance, Michigan
"Why don't you have any recipes that are healthy?"
That's a legitimate question Smelly, I mean Kelly. It's because there are many healthy recipes out there, health is all the rage right now. The Tuckgraph Show is a refuge from all that common sense nonsense! Love your belly, btw. :)
Now that we're running long, we're going to bring out tonight's musical guest. We have much respect for this artist.
Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please welcome...
I invited Van Morrison, and they gave me this sad sack. But you guys, you ease my troubles, that's what you do. :)
Respect Your Elders
Outstanding. I do hope you're all doing well. Good Night Everybody!