I'd like to propose a toast! Any toast! I'd prefer wheat bread, or some decent white bread. Even a bagel. Just toast it.
Let's start again. I'd like to raise a glass and say something! As I embark upon my second set of one hundred blogs, I'd like to say that I have had a drink tonight. So, under that cloak of plausible destinability, I'd like to say thank you.
Thank you for reading these words. Thank you for taking that chance of wasting your time, or coming to the conclusion that yeah, this really is somebody just pleasing himself, while hoping someone watches.
Such is the nature of the blog. I mean, seriously, I could start rambling and say things that make me feel good, get some stuff off my chest, and it would satisfy. For a moment or two.
But I hold those things inside; I think most people do. You've got to have that "shake your head" moment, when you either don't say what you're really thinking, or regret you did. Personally, I'd rather regret I said it! But it's like that Ballerina. It could spin the other way on a dime.
I don't have any great relative visuals for this blog.
Here's a giant guitar:
I think it's a Les Paul. If I could fit it in my lap, I'd play you a tune. Oh, don't fret. Maybe next year!