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Random Fact Update

While catching up on my Gold Star negligence, I forgot about those Random Facts. If you remember one thing, remember- you always forget something else!

And in complete disclosure, I'm doing this because all those other great blogs aren't ready yet. :) A few blogs ago, my bud TF tagged me for ten random facts. I've been parsing them out in these here blogs.

Random Fact 7: I'm Claustrophobic

I didn't know this till a couple of weeks ago. I've been playing golf every weekend, something I'm quite proud of. Without going into Details, my golfing buddy invited me to lunch at his place after a game. Great! But, you're covered in sweat after nine holes, so you need to shower.

I shower in the back bedroom bathroom, with a stand up shower. No big deal, I've been doing the stand up shower thing for many years now. Growing up, I never thought the big bathtub would become such a precious commodity! :) I would have used it a lot more.

I love swimming, and floating. But back to the stand up shower. Every one is different. This particular one at my buddy's place, it was maybe four feet by four feet. It looked a little bit like this:

standupshower.jpg picture by tuckgraph

The key is, there's not a shower curtain. It's a door. I had a great shower, all hot and steamy, refreshing. When I turn off the water, I go to open the door, and it won't open. It's one of those crystal glass doors, and the steam had filled my enclosure.

I couldn't remember which side had the hinges! I'd push, kind of go haha, then try to find a latch or something. And the steam kept rising. I couldn't open the damn thing! I knew I could bust the door down, but that wouldn't be cool. My breath became short, glancing side to side, beating on the door. I actually started yelling. But I was too far back in the House for anyone to hear. I should've known better. I was freaking out! And I don't freak out.

I eventually pressed hard enough on the right side of the door, a big magnetic strip kept it closed. But the irrational, manic feelings I had, it convinced me. I can be claustrophobic, given the right conditions.

On A More Aquatic Note...
I really do love water. I like floating in water, and swimming, or paddling around. I like going underwater, diving for pennies and such. Seeing how long I can hold my breath. I have dreams where I can breathe underwater. I need a pool! :)

I lived in Taos, NM for a few years. There's this place about an hour away, called Ojo Caliente. It's hot springs, with different theme pools and a big general swimming pool. Here's a couple of pics:

indoorpool.jpg picture by tuckgraph

bigpool.jpg picture by tuckgraph

They've also got a mud pool, where you pack mud all over your body and let it dry in the sun! That was cool. Then you wash it off and dive in a pool. :) The different pools were refreshing in their own unique way!

I only went there seven or eight times maybe, but I want to go back. If I find myself in that claustrophobic place again, I'll think Ojo.
