Hey i recently bought this game because i got bored with nba 2k8 because iv been playin it 2 much. Anyway Nba 2k7 was a fairly cheap game 5 dollars and i was pretty impressed but the only thing i need help with is the game speed and player speed. I just started 2 play association mode and my difficulty level is on allstar but the game and players run slow, like on a fastbreak i would have a open lane but then the cpu would come 2 fast and usually block me. I know i have 2 adjust the game speed and player speed but i just cant get it right. Its either 2 fast or slow. I mean when I have a open fastbreak i should make it. I had allen iverson on a OPEN fastbreak and yao ming ran faster then him n blocked him ( yes i was holding sprint ). Any help on what numbers i should pick and that would work?
hey people i was just wondering if any famous people play ps3 and what are some psn id's. I remember dwayne wade won the skills competition and won a ps3. Dwayne wade is a basketball player 4 those of u who didn't know. Anyway my psn id is tupacdabest
I logged on my ps3 2day and i got a message from myself. It said it was from me WTF. So i tryed to send myself a message 2 see if someone had got a hold of my password but when i did it my (AVATAR) was there and when i got the message from me it just said from me but it didn't show my (AVATAR).
ok people from your ps3 go to the internet browser and press x. If you dont have your home page selected to playstation home page press triangle after you pressed x on the internet browser then go down to where it says home its under the refresh button. You will get a new home page they just updated it. I think its better it has the playstation logo and the sound just like when you start up one of your ps3 games. The new home page also has new items for you 2 click on. Anyway how do u like it? comments
I have been experiencing this problem when using the ps3 internet browser. I remember i could download google video files directly to my ps3. Now when i try 2 click download i can't and save target doesn't work either. I cant even see parts of the videos either because the download bar and the title of the video is blocking it. Am i the only one experiencing this issue. And does anybody know if i can download a google video somehow? Thanks
Hey I was just wondering if you guys have ever downloaded the demo timeshift multiplayer demo. I wanna download it but is the demo headset,bluetooth like can you talk 2 people when you play?
How much would i get for the following games i know im going 2 get store credit. Im going 2 trade them in at my local blockbuster video. Heres the games madden 07, mlb 2k7, and oblivion.
Yo guys I found the new 200 Gb ps3 I hope you like it. Tell me your thoughts and if you are going to buy it. Heres The site the video was just released today. http://smouch.net/lol/ Ps my psn name is tupacdabest so add me as a friend.
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