oooh.. that's my favorite color right now :) I wish mine was that color.. I'm a chick though heh. .I have a really old one with a scratched up darth vader skin on it haha..
Hey guys! I just wanted to come on here and be helpful. If anyone is loooking for a new game, amazon is having a sale on the World Ends with You game right now. its one of their lighting deals so its gonna end at 2pm. I am NOT spamming. I am HELPING. Because I want people to legitiamtely buy their games. None of that evil pirating junk. I think it says its 60% sold right now. Soooooo.. run! go! Here's the link: or if that doesn't work try On a side note.. has any one else played it? I'm a little addicted myself.. ;)
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