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tuznecote Blog

Being a female gamer

You know what I have noticed about being a female gamer and posting on forums? Everyone assumes your a male! Even after you tell them they assume your a fake and just a male possing as a female.

It saddens me that people still run around with the stereotype of "Females dont play games" especially when I know my knowledge of sega and "certain"characters excels well over most.

Does everyone expect us to run round buying games like Barbie Horse Adventures and playing Cooking mama? Naaaah mate Im the sort that grabs games like Siren, Silent hill, resident evil, Halo series, Sonic series, mario, metriod, Zelda, Condemned, Splinter cell series, Dark messiah, Dungeon siege the list goes on and I finish them all within 3 days.

Hmmm I bet you lot have already said "picture or it didnt happen"in your head.

Thought so...

Rant next time might be on my annoyance with the sonic fanbase and how they except any old crud thrown on a packet or it might be on people who give rubbish 10/10 reviews to games and say things like "the gameplay is rubbish, sound effects are abit odd and the music is meh BUT SONIC IS IN IT" oh... thats the same rant.

Flash games

Hey! Your girl here... ahhh whatever.

Anyway Im here to moan about gamemaking. Right now Im doing all the animation for a game I am making and being a animation obsessive im trying to get them to at least mickey mania quality so im going to be a while before I actally get to the actual game bit but what bothers me is the program I am making the game with.

Its a game program called Gamemaker. Its a brilliantly easy program which can be extremely flexible when you figure out how to program the thing. Its just I havent seen many examples of good games that have been made with the program even though it is capable of doing so.

Im just worried that not making a game with Flash or the overly bleedin complicated XNA studios will hinder the games 0.9% in being noticed like homemade games like Braid and Castle crashers (I think). After all we all want our games to be noticed dont we?

Gamespots new look

I gave it a while so i could work out that i wasnt just suffering from "hate of change".... but it hasn't work.

I Hate the new look. The old Gamespot was one of my favourite looking sites and now its all cluttered. I liked my black colour scheme... now its all grey and rubbish.

No! Why cant we chose our own skin? I dislike it.... pah

Tuznecotes Interpretation

I have decided to start a series called Tuznecotes Interpretations...

Its when I photo-shop Sonic as realistically as possible into other games. I am actually having a dig at sega for their lack of imagination and Jump the shark moments... So far I have made Sonic in Oblivion and Sonic in Two worlds. I'm probably going to continue to take the mick out of the black knight concept throughout.

Check out my images to see the latest... oh and the resident evil one is my favorite...

I have decided to come out today....

Yes I admit it....

Ive been keeping a secret for so long 13 years.... I have know the truth. I'm sorry to my mum for lying and all my family but....Mighty the Armadillo is my favourite character.

Sonic and the black knight

A new game has surfaced itself for the wii... nothings known about it but all we have seen of it is that it has sonic the hedgehog wielding a sword.

Now many people used to go to my favourite board in the world and say "I want sonic with a sword!" and everyone would cuss the crud out of that person, call them a fan-boy, stupid, get-you-fan-fiction-backside-out-our-forum and stuff...

...now they see a picture with the aforementioned idea of sonic wield a sword they all claw at it and cuss anyone who even hints a smidgen of dislike for the idea...its like they are just their to tear apart anyone with ideas or thoughts on the direction of sonic.


....if they could just see the picture outside of their sonic-fan-boy/girl mind maybe they could see the world isn't exactly pleased with the way the way things are going with the franchise.

My moan On people Moaning about People moaning about games

I dont get it!

Why do people moan at people moaning at changed elements of a game they know and love?

I love the idea but wouldn't you moan if they took away the sword and sheild in the next zelda game and you saw him with a gun? Its still Zelda yes but that is kinda taking a great big element of the game away and changing its style.

Maybe you whouldn't mind The next animal crossing to feature levels? What if in the next Half life you see the main character in 3rd person and it played more like max-paine. What if the next Mario starting putting drum and base music throughouts its levels?

People out there will love for Link to weild fire arms instead of a sword and shield but hell alot of people wont... are both these sets of people not allowed to voice their opinions without some twit going on about nostalgia and how people should get over it or another going on about "boo hoo this fanbase is the worst fanbase because the don't agree with new/ old design"?

Uh oh....

I looked to many times at the interview today and relised that the china stage............... was a linear as hell!!!

What are people seeing!? This game is Sonic Advance 2/ Sonic and the secret brown ring (sorry i dislike that game I can say what i want its MY blog)! Go on people check out the interview and the china level and pretend you where playing that.

The levels consist of running down a path that twists and turns with nothing really happening anyway early days eh..........? I daren't not put that on my home Sonic Unleashed board because they kill people that say anything negative these days... Its true! I saw a poor guy set on fire before my very text!!!

He litterally saw what I saw and was told to stop whining... but me being me decide to look at interview and actually look at what was happening and all i can say is.... Nothing much...

Oh yeah Banjo Kazooie still looks rubbish and has barely any platforming elements but the car and plane making is meant to be brilliant!

Resident evil 5.... kicks bums and Animal crossing... well that looks like animal crossing anyway back to making games on GM7...

Thoughts on the New sonic trailer (featuring wolf)

The Wolf sonic looks really good im suprised out of my skull right now... but looking hard at the game footage... I think this game might suffer from on the rails gameplay and repeatitive elements throughout which worrys me because in my old gaming age... Im getting kinda bored of games fast.