Well here we are... a few hours in photoshop paid off I suppose :)
Really was fun to make though :P
Basic rules: Can you see anime in the stars? well that's the aim ^^ can you see who it is?
Works sort of like the dressing up game :P
^^ ok do your best :)
3. Clue: I like purple and I'm a religious figure LINK
4. Clue: I weild a sword and I don't like someone who resembles a stuffed animal LINK
5. Clue: Kasshin fighting ^^ LINK
6. Clue: She isn't interested in ordinary people ^^ LINK
As usual for these types of games, clues will be added later on :)
So I guess checking this place for updates would be fun ^^ ...i guess
Well good luck :)
Other news:
- New video on youtube finally ^^ (If you wanna watch, out of curiousity click here )
- New emerald yay ^^
- New banner yay ^^
My new video is basically me trying to sing with different voices to Equal Romance from Ranma 1/2 for an audition ^^
Well better get some rest :)
Good luck and the answers will be posted in a week or sooner :)
bye bye