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Lists: Because Everyone Loves Them. ~Top Ten RPGs~

What is an RPG? WRPG? JRPG? MMORPG? And now Gearbox claims RPS in Borderlands? Blesphemy!

They all have different formats, altered stories and unique gameplay. I'm sure everyone would agree with me that RPGs definitely have evolved since that little old party of 8-bit four. From this, games entered an era of deep story-telling that seemed to strike a chord with gamers everywhere. Just like how Rare's Goldeneye set the standards in multiplayer, Square's Final Fantasy pioneered its own genre in the RPG for years to come. The engrossing story, turn-based battles and graphics in all its 8-bit goodness would continue to be the building blocks for their legacy that spans all the way to the current Final Fantasy 13.

However, with recent rumors claiming that Square-Enix might stop the series, does that kill the genre itself? Most likely not. Even if they stop the series and move on to whatever next comes to their genius minds, I highly doubt they will ever stop their RPGs overall. The Final Fantasy era may end sometime soon and we may miss it, but RPGs have aged so well that even modern gamers can pick up Final Fantasy 3 and still be equally sucked in to Terra and the opera scene as us retro gamers were when we were barely ages 14-21. If anything, that is what a true gem is. It ages, but it will never die upon competition and years. There will always be that one person that remembers the game and spread the word on it, in which it spreads like wildfire after that if it truly was a success.

Before I begin, I think I should let everyone know a little bit about myself so you know where my opinions reside. I am a pretty retro gamer, but that does not exclude me from modern gaming at all. I love using boosted medics in Killzone 2. I'm currently level 53 online Blazblu, I main Rachel Alucard and use Ragna the Bloodedge as a secondary. I can't find the last pet on Castle Crashers and I prefer spamming as a Ranger on Fat Princess. I also prefer playing Shining Force over Mario and find Silent Hill 1-3 one of my favorite games in all its grotesque goodness. I always find distinctive preferences in games a good way of describing yourself to gamers, since they should know the gist of what you are talking about. Try it next time you introduce yourself to a fellow gamer!

Last keynote, there are some exclusions and rules for this list:

  1. Borrowing from Screwattack that I found a very good rule: Only one game per franchise. Because in all honesty, as good as Final Fantasy 8 is, its very comparable to any other Final Fantasy in the series and is very difficult placing it among the rest. Otherwise, it would just be a list full of Final Fantasies. In some cases, I may just list the franchise, give my opinion and leave the rest for debate.
  2. As much as I adore Borderlands, I see it more as a shooter than RPG. "Strip the flesh, Salt the wounds!" Best line ever!
  3. Demon's Souls is absolutely one of my favorite games ever. But hopefuls won't find it on this list because I consider it more action than RPG. I know, I'm beating myself up over this, I wish I could stick it up at number 1 or something because it definitely deserves it, but I couldn't help but feel it felt more like an action than RPG. Umbasa is definitely be frowning upon me. Forgive me!
  4. Opinions opinions! As I said before, this is all very debatable. Where I place games, where you place games are arguable. However, we can all agree that either way, they are all very good games, no? Respect my opinion as I would yours, and I will definitely read yours and give my input.
  5. MMORPGs are out. Just because it has RPG in it does not mean its considered one. I was into the WoW era at some point also, but I don't think it captures the true essence of a single player experience. Though some RPGs may have multiplayer, I think MMOs are more social gaming than anything. Not that its a bad thing, trust me I loved the first time my group took down Ragnaros.
  6. There are some games that you may feel are left out and needs to be in. Understandable, but we will debate that afterwards yeah? I will make another blog entry after this giving reason to why I didn't include some games. Have patience, I will get to everything!
  7. There may be spoilers, and some things I didn't consider spoilers. I will try my best to leave them out.

So, I hope everyone enjoys me counting down the games as much as I enjoyed reminiscing upon them. Lets get this list started!

10. Fallout3/Oblivion

Iknow I said one game per franchise, but with these two being pretty similar to an extent and both made by Bethesda, I couldn't help but place them at the same spot. Anyway, Both of these two masterpieces produced by Bethesda are one of the few Western RPGs that really stuck with me. The level of customization, the extremely deep story of the two and the sheer freedom of exploring what you want, when you truly is the epitome of an RPG in its own sense. It really feels like you are "Role Playing" per se. Want to make a spell that drains all your mana but is pretty much a world ender? Oblivion has your back. Want to be a complete devil and make everyone's lives even worst than it already is? Fallout has it on lock. The choices and branching consequences steers clear away from the linear story that most RPGs force you to follow is definitely what makes this a standout. Dungeon and Dragons, eat your heart out.

9. Shining Force


Enter a world where not only is it an RPG, its a strategy game! Dragons, knights, evil doings.. Shining Force had it all. One of the first strategy RPGs I played, this game left a mark on me mainly because of the gameplay and character changes at level ten. Being the silent protagonist Max as most main characters were back then, you were sent on your way to stop the evil Runefaust army from awakening the Dark Dragon. This game implemented character development and experience to your individual characters that took to the battlefield. And from this, most players would gain personal favorites and leave the duds in the war room where they never saw the light of day in battle. For me, one of these examples was Gong. I really disliked that monk!Gameplay was very much like any other strategy RPGs using grid-based movement, in which attacking would transition to a sweet cut scene of the particular character attacking. Modern day equivalent would be J'eanne D'arc on the PSP, but the thing missing from J'eanne D'arc was....well, the overpowered squid/octopus/thing Domingo. Domingo: Reigning terror over your mountains and casting rank 3 Lightning in a 6 space arc since 1993.

8. Eternal Sonata


Eternal Sonata doesn't thrive necessarily on its story, but upon its gorgeous lush visuals and addicting gameplay. Produced by Tri-Crescendo first on the 360 back in September of 07' and later released with extra content on the ps3, ES tells the story of Fredric Chopin's moments before death. I played it both on the 360 and ps3, all I can say is that Serenade is a beast and makes the ps3 version that much better. Her Throne of Thorns is definitely a game breaker, but not in a bad way. The main plot that it portrays wasn't really the main plot, it was something much bigger which reveals upon itself afterwards. Even though that revelation was done only a few minutes before the game ended, its the kind of ending that makes you think in loops and loops and afterwards it itches you wishing there was more. I find those kind of endings, the best. The action is the heart of this game. In a way, it consists of mashing (or carefully aiming with 3 seconds to spare) and then either finishing off the attack or saving the echo, or combo number. Some might find the action repetitive, but all that mashing and ending with a big bang makes it all the more satisfying with how well the specials looked. Salsa and Viola are definitely favorites in personality, and I don't think they will soon be forgotten.

7.Chrono Trigger


I honestly look back and still can't believe games were as involving as Chrono Trigger. For some reason, the first thing I think of is "Good Morning Chrono!" Chrono Trigger has one of the best stories compared to games today. The time traveling was such a unique story feature back then that was pretty much the backbone of the whole story. Released back in March of 1995, Chrono was ahead of its time. Featuring some of the best characters in RPG history, Frog is definitely a personality I wish was replicated more in modern games. Did you know Timbaland used the open world map tune when producing Omarion's "Icebox"? Nifty random fact yeah? To conclude, the clever twist in Chrono Trigger was that it contained more than one ending, and the "true" ending is priceless. Give it a go, younger RPG fans, you guys got a present with the DS version that came out~

6. Secret of Mana

secret of mana

Its a definite shame that Secret of Evermore couldn't hold a candle to Mana. But then again, its definitely some tough shoes to fill. Breaking the mold, Secret of Mana drove away from turn based battles to real time battles. And wouldn't you know it, Square had done it again. Released in 1993 for the SNES, Secret of Mana told the story of unnamed characters often referred to as Bandanna Boy, the Girl, and the Sprite. Such memories! The music gets a special note here, for it wide array of wind instruments and percussions. If anyone remembers Flammie's song near the end of the game when the clouds get dark, oh man is that a gem! The so called sequel on the PS1 is also a great game. I am currently awaiting for it to be released on PSN. Well, I have my fingers crossed at least.

5.Valkyrie Profile


Now this is one that I doubt many people played. But, for those lucky ones that did, I think we got a gift from the RPG gods themselves. Produced by one of my favorite game companies ever, Tri-Ace made a JRPG that is equally as dark as it is engrossing. The rarity and great word of mouth makes this game a pricey one on eBay. Luckily for us, there was a re-release on the PSP, though nowndays its equally as difficult to find on shelves as it was released a few years ago. You, as Lenneth Valkyrie is sent by Odin to Midgard to recruit Einherjar, or deceased warriors, for the coming of Ragnorak. Back in Asgard(or heaven), the Aesir and Vanir prepare for an epic battle while the world of Midgard below them suffer in war, poverty and famine. But, the gods give no heed and really could care less for the most part. The story of VP is just a facade, the true ending and story is found more within if you attempt going for ending A. Playing VP for ending C or B is like playing Castlevania: SOTN and killing Richter in the regular castle. In all honesty, I believe the A ending is the diamond in the game; the perfect cherry on top. Not to say that the rest of the game was bad, just saying how much of an impact it was.

4.Valkyria Chronicles


Enter the true gem of 2008. I was terribly disheartened when Welkin and the rest of Squad 7 didn't even get a mention for ps3 game of the year. I knew it stood no chance against MGS, but at least a mention would've been cool! Valkyria Chronicles tells the story of Squad 7 and how their lowly army came up to be the biggest difference maker in a war between countries. The game thrived vastly in Japan but it went under the radar in the US. A shame, but as I said before, it truly is a gem in gameplay, character development and story. If you own a ps3 and had not had a chance to experience this game, I highly suggest you do before it gets too tough to find in stores. Surprisingly, this game was made by Sega believe it or not, and the cross-hatch shading is a marvel to look at. If you look closely upon the character facials and shadows, even those are cross-hatched with delicate care. Talk about detail! The little things really did make the difference in this game, from the victory animations characters do after a kill to the storybook-esque storytelling. Being a strategy RPG, it borrows concepts from others of its kind yet makes it unique in their own way. Each side gets a turn, but the amount of movement and action per unit is not in a grid, its actual movement which is measured by a bar. The length of this bar is measured by the type of unit, special traits, etc. With special abilities to certain characters, favorites definitely played a major role in who you would send out. Cherry Stignan, I salute you and all of Squad 7! Heres hoping to an amazing VC2 on PSP!

3. Tales of Symphonia


Tales games definitely are amazing for their sense of storytelling. Each Tales game is unique in its own right, but the deal breaker that makes Tales stands out from every other RPG out there is its colorful characters, unique gameplay and extremely lengthy storylines. It was hard for me to choose a particular Tales game, but I narrowed it down to Phantasia and Symphonia. And in the end, Symphonia won despite its overly cheesy lines at times. The story tells of a Chosen regenerating the world and saving it, but thats just the image given at the beginning which will be distorted and altered many many times until the game's final conclusion. If you can get your hands on this GC game, grab it and pop it in your Wii. It will drive you over 100+ hours, keep you thoroughly entertained and will leave your heart feeling warm. In all honesty though, Cless could totally take on Lloyd.

2. Final Fantasy X


It was only a matter of time right? What kind of RPG list would it be without it, specially with me opening out with it! Choosing one, however, because all of them are amazing really. In the end, I went with Tidus and the gang. I really can't explain it because its hard to say anything that hasn't been said already, besides the fact that its a preference I guess. A preference everyone will have, whether it be they choose 8 over 7, or 3 over 9, at the very least we can all agree that all Final Fantasies are good in their own sense with the unique storylines and trademark turn-based gameplay.

1. Lunar: Eternal Blue


This may come to a surprise to many because either you have never heard of it or because you expected another game to be up here. But no, you read it right. Out of the Lunar series, I hands down went with Eternal Blue because of the amazing development of Lucia and the cast. One big reason you may not have heard of it is because it came out on the Sega CD. Back then, I was one of the few kids that actually got a Sega CD drive. (Although I believe it was rereleased on the psx also) Eternal Blue takes place after the events of Silver Star in which showcases Hiro and Lucia, in attempting from stopping Zophar from usurping the world. The gameplay is very much like other turn-based besides being a top-down view. The reason why this game gets my number one spot is that it does everything any other RPG does, but polishes it and makes it better. Lucky for people who missed this gem, its getting a remake in Silver Star Harmony, which should be coming out to the psp next month or so.

Thats the end of my list, I look forward on reading anyone else's. I'd go more into detial in the games but GS blog limit cut me short on a lot of stuff. I know I omitted some personal favorites (Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins) but I'll explain that at a later time. I hope you enjoyed reading my post as much as I enjoyed writing about them. To all, a good day!