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15 things about me! The "Special" Edition...

Okay, so I was tagged by KoolKat to write this. Enjoy more random and strange facts about your cute twilightlullaby.

1. My favorite thing in the world is peace and quiet. Yep. I prefer to be alone most of the time.

2. I don't like getting dressed in the morning. I would rather stay in my PJs all day long.

3. I use the word "cute" instead of cool to show that I like something.

4. The best thing about where I live is the beach. I love love love love love love love love waking up early and sitting on the boardwalk and watching the sun rise.

5. Cats are better than dogs, IMO.

6. Star Ocean is one of the (if not the best) greatest RPGs ever. I love how it combines Star-Trek elements with RPG style. Oh yeah!

7. I am a big fan of Axel from Kingdom Hearts and Reno from FFVII. Some might call that a fangirl, I call it having a favorite character.

8. Green tea is amazing. Probably one of my favorite drinks.

9. I am stupidly tall. Guys used to make fun of me for it. :(

10. I love flowers and gardening. In my back yard, I have a compost pile and veggies growing.

11. In my spare time I like to write stories. I think they're all crap though.

12. I do not have a hit-list. That was a joke.

13. One of the things I have a hard time tolerating is people who make fun of other people for being different. :x Get a life!

14. I met the guy thatI like(and we're both too shy to admit it!) over the summer at the pool.

15. Sometimes, for no real reason, guys will randomly give me hugs. It's very disturbing.

:) So how did I do? Comments, questions, I will be availible afterwards.


Quick Note: My updates blog was the one before this. Check that to see what's coming up next (after this).