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15 tiny little things about me...

Okay, so on (I believe it was) queen_valentine's blog (I do occasionally check out other blogs but not necessarily track them), there was a list of 15 things about that user. I thought it would be cool to do my own "15 things" blog here it is.

1. I am a girl. As I have told many of you thousands of times, not a big fan of being called a dude. This goes a long way back so don't take personal offense.

2. I am a semi-vegetarian , meaning that while I will eat poultry and fish, I won't eat red meat. It makes me feel like I will get a heart attack afterwards.

3. I (these are all beginning with I!) have two pets, a cat and a dog. The cat is affectionately known as "chibi-chan" and the dog is simply known as , "the stupid mutt" or "the monster." :P

4. Big fan of NOT watching American Idol or other stupid reality TV shows. I just can't stand it.

5. Another thing that annoys me are fan girls/boys. I can understand if you like something but for the love of all that is Holy, please do NOT let that thing be Eragon. I can respect most other things but not Eragon or that !*@&##%#! Christopher Paolini. >X(

6. Whew, one thing I do like to do is (in my "spare time") cosplay or make costume stuff. I enjoy just design in general. Not gonna major in it though.

7. I'm going to the Distant Worlds concert in June! Yes!!!! !!!!!

8. Still a student. I have (at least it feels like) a long way to go.

9. I am convinced that the burgers at McDonald's are made out of corpse meat. No wonder everyone around here likes them so much...:O

10. Hmmm...sometimes in my spare time I like to stare out into space and think of plot ideas for the various stories I write. Never works very well though. I get a little too lost. *grins*

11. My favorite character ever has to be...probably Aerith. She's my role model.

12. Currently single and depressed!

13. Favorite color= green

14. I tend to use lots of symbols in place of cursing ala Final Fantasy VII.

15. I'm a very pessimistic person in real life...

Okay, so those were my facts. It trailed off in a few places...but now you know a little more about me.
