Wow. This is so weird being able to write a second post this week. Usually I'm so swamped I forget about it. Sort of strange for me.
My idiot cat is trying to climb the boxes in the closet...I'll be right back. Whew, that animal is so stupid, she almost got herself stuck in the closet forever. I kicked her out so I could type in peace. Having an animal is somewhat overrated.
Nothing new on the game-playing front, I haven't had the time. My PSP is just calling my name right now. But I have to work some more so that I won't have my grades constantly slipping. I do want to be a doctor someday. Cloud Stife and co. will just have to wait until the weekend. :( Which makes me sort of sad. I was listening to "Opening and Bombing Mission" last night and it just brought back some memories of first hearing it in the game. Which was ages ago. My friend had it when I was a kid and I saw it but never played it.
Thanks to American Idol (boo, hiss!), my gameplay hours are getting cut shorter!! I hate that show!! This person who couldn't sing got in because she wore a freakin' bikini! And she was a model! I DESPISE models. They think they're so awesome 'cause they walk around in ugly clothes that no one else can wear and have robotic faces. Yeah, whatever, most of them aren't pretty anyway. Beauty shouldn't be judged by how skinny and blond someone is. That's pretty screwed up, don't you think? It's always girls who suffer because of guys beauty standards. How many times has somebody cried in the dark becuase they're too fat or pimply or whatever for the guy they like? Guys think that we have it easy but that's not true. Far from it. I'm not putting guys down, they just need to try to wrap their minds around stuff like that. I dunno, maybe I'm just some crazy chick on the Internet. It's funny how fast my thought process goes. From games to a rant on the modeling agencies.