This is kind of weird. I should be writing an email to my friend about a book, but instead I'm writing let another use-less blog. One that no one will read. I feel just bored. And I have a case of writer's block (for my email). It's just annoying, nothing more.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. What do YOU think of the Phantom Hourglass? Thumbs up or down? I give it an up , because it was a good handheld Zelda game (I admit I do like Zelda games more than most others) and I haven't even gotten every possbile unlockable (ship parts, gems, etc.). I was disappointed about how hard the OK dungeon was (OK=Ocean King) , but now that I'm going through it a second time, I find it fun and relaxing. The downsides for the game are it's lack of different songs (the dungeon theme is the same every single time. So not okay) and of course the simplicity of the dungeons. Overall, the best DS game I've played (Nintendogs doesn't count.) But, if they released Ocarina of Time for the DS, I would be one of the first in line. I haven't played it, but it looks like a fun game. Right now , I'm trying to save up for a Zelda collector edition set for the Gamecube. Unless someone would like to give it to me for free?
My email is complete. Umm, bye?