I hate posting in the morning. Let's get one thing straight here: I am not a morning person. Not in the least bit. Don't believe I ever was. I remember hating waking up in the morning from kindergarten on. But I have to post this now because my wireless network was shut down and I can't turn it on without making everyone else suspicious. They shut it down to "avoid getting viruses." Give me a break. Nothing bad happened to leaving the internet on all night. But whatever floats your boat...you know?
Anyway, I believe it was yesterday (or my last post) when I told most, if not all, of you about my plans to actually watch the Matrix. It goes without saying from this point onward, everything is going to be chock full of spoilers. So back off if you haven't seen the movie or if you have any desire to watch it at all in your life. This is your last warning.
So tonight I actually went out and grabbed myself a copy of the Matrix. I didn't buy it, just took it from the library. :P I'm a cheapskate about a lot of things, what can I say? It was maybe around...the evening time. Something like that. Well of course in order to watch the movie, you need a DVD player of some sort. After much messing around and doing a bunch of meaningless stuff, I finally got around to starting the movie. The scene opens with a phone call and a lot of action-ey stuff. The next hour was filled with various sly attempts at referencing religion. I found it sort of funny, to be honest. Then when Neo finally wakes up, my brother decides to make an entrance. -_- He got kicked out from watching some stupid reality TV show and wants to join me. There is no WAY that I'm going to let my 11 year old little brother watch an R-rated movie. No. Freakin'. Way. I don't care if he's a guy...that's not the point. He doesn't need to be any more violent than he is already. So I tell him to "get lost, I'm watching the Matrix." The kid pretty much walks out crying. Yeah, I'm not a softie on that sort of stuff...but the young mind is easily influenced! He's still a little kid and the movie isn't exactly a "cute spring walk through Pixie Hollow." I then go back to watching it. The next part was probably my favorite; it was the story of how the machines took over the world. I got to see the notorious scene where the people are "liquidated" and then "fed" to the others. Cannibalism , I tell you! :x But it wasn't that bad...not as bad as I imagined it. It was a lot less vivid. :? The story bounded on into new parts and I sorta don't remember it all. Except the spoon scene. You know, the scene where the kid says, "The spoon isn't there, it's all in your head." I remember watching that before! Anyway, after that the story got very bloody. There was more blood than a lot of movies I've seen...but the ending was happy. :x That made me mad. Everything ended well , most of the loose ends were tied up and there was no need to make a sequel. But they did anyway. Sigh. So those were my impressions. I can't say if I liked it or not...I might need to watch it again. If I can handle it. XD
Because I was doing this "movie-reviewing" thing, I didn't get a chance to run out and get the game I've been talking about pretty much all the time. I actually did something normal people do for a change, you know, watching a movie. Gee. They must have really boring lives...there are only so many good movies out there.
(I actually forgot that while writing this, it was yesterday. So if anything sounds strange, I was in yesterday land while writing this :P)