In life, a girl has no greater companion than...a slime.
My school had a blood drive today (saving lives, one bag of blood at a time), and I decided to just go for it. My nurse guy was hilarious, from pricking my middle finger to get a blood sample to joking about this being my "first time" giving blood. It made the whole experience easier, I think. The easiest part was giving the blood...because afterwards, I quickly became the poster child for "What might but probably won't happen after donating blood." :lol: I basically experienced *every* side effect. It was simultaneously hilarious and embarassing.
The play I was in wrapped up last week too. It went alright, I guess. My dress was pretty (if ridiculously expensive), and the guy who did my makeup did a great job.
And then I am making my way as a HERO of Albion:
Good stuff right there. I'm really torn between being EVIL and being GOOD. I
[spoiler] saved my childhood best friend (because I kissed him HA) and killed the peasants in the beginning but now I wished I killed him and saved the peasants. Oh well. [/spoiler]
People tell me that Fable 2 is better, but I don't really care. Fable 3 is entertaining enough, for the time being.
I also got past the title screen of Mass Effect, but that is not worth dwelling on.
random thoughts:
- this girl called me "annoyingly cute." what does that mean? do I annoy you guys? I annoy myself, because I am so dumb 97% of the time, but still.
-makeup is kind of a pain. I hate it. but people notice me more when I wear it...which is weird.
-I cut my hair. It is now weird.
-Life's been kind of awkward lately. But okay. For a change.
-Thanksgiving this weekend~ I am thankful for GAMESPOT, haha. :P
-sometimes I think about dropping out of high school.
-I love community service, no bs.
-people keep telling me to get a boyfriend.
-my xbox controller is almost out of battery.
Time to hybridize some orbitals or something. later.