Summer is great. Life is okay. The weather has less pollen. I'm getting a tan. And everything seems a bit brighter. :)
...okay you got me. :P There's a real reason for all this happiness. I'll start at the beginning.
The other day, I decided to drive up an HOUR away from my town and go shopping. Yes, I went shopping. Get over it already. :x However, I didn't just go shopping for shorts. I also decided to go out and buy...the complete first season of...Fullmetal Alchemist! :D And as you can imagine, I'm very happy. I keep getting this feeling that I was ripped off though (probably was). The guy in the store tried to sell me on a membership and right away I was like, "No. I'm not buying any of it." :P I also took some pictures, so I can bore you to death with all the little details! :D
(I was too lazy to resize the others...maybe later...)
What? I'm NOT trying to turn my brother into a PS3. :) The picture is of a bunch of guidebooks next to a (badly-Photoshopped) transmutation circle.
My favorite character (sorry Edward) and Hughes, sharing a drink! And those are the alchemy texts all nice and piled up. ^_^ I'm usually never THAT neat.
And to celebrate getting the DVD(s), I decided to change my avatar to Colonel Roy Mustang! ^_^ Everyone loves Mustang. Even if they're secretley in denial. He's the Flame Alchemist, *snap, snap*.And no trying to steal it either! (yeah, you know who you are...:P)
On another note, I've begun my life as a farmer today. That's right, I played some Harvest Moon. I am now the proud owner of Romani Ranch along with my faithful (yeah right) canine , Black Hayate. And I have several love interests as well...:oops: I have to pick between Joe, the cute woodcutter, and Blue, a shy farmhand. Oh, the possibilities! *musical note*
Last thing before I wrap this quick update up: I've actually gotten hooked on the Tales of the Abyss soundtrack, specifically "The Meaning of Birth," which is supposed to be a boss battle theme (according to the description). It's an orchestral remix of the title song, "Karma," and oh. my. It's so amazingly beautiful! I like it even more than the vocal version (yeah, I know *shocker*) Here's my line-up (in order of my first to last favorite):
1. The Meaning of Birth
2. Karma (Japanese/Anime)
3. Karma (English version...:x)
That's it for now! Until next time...where I'll have more to keep you people occupied.:P