(I apologize for the general incoherent-ness of this blog. it doesn't really make sense to me and I wrote it. so that says something. I think.)
Today I was sitting outside, because it was a lovely day (well, it used to be), practicing some nice island-ly, summery songs on a stringed instrument that shall not be named. I live right next to a road, so it's kind of like having an audience whenever someone drives by (albeit one that generally is not paying attention to me- which is fine). Anyway, I hear some horn honk and lo-and-behold, the driver of this car slows down, gives me a thumbs-up and then speeds off. Direct eye-contact, man, direct eye contact.
Such is the nature of my life.
Nothing productive was accomplished today- no tutoring, no homework, no nothing. Thankfully it is a three-day weekend, so I have Monday to try and make up for lost time. My teachers are cracking down harder, to compensate for the general slacking that occurs in second semester. I don't care, really. It feels like it's all just a big waste of time. I like learning, but I'm not a fan of the educational system. But like I said, it's all whatever.
This blog is kind of degenerating into one of those "weekly serial" type deals where the same things happen with the same characters in the same settings with the same plot twists. I hate it.
I've just been pretty bummed out this week. It's not because of Valentine's Day because I realized that it's stupid to get hung up over something like that. anyway, someone gave me fun dip and this girl I know gave me a cookie, so it was all good. food is good.
my counselor is pressuring me to take 7 ap courses next year. my parents are not really doing anything. I'm trying to get along with them better (noo year resolution). It's going alright. but my brother has been treating me kind of poorly lately. it sort of hurts because I'm trying to be nice (talking to him at school, etc.) to him. and he is just a jerk. but my parents think he is a perfect gentlemen. that is just such bs I don't even know.
but life is going alright. I guess. it's just kind of all the same after a couple of weeks.
on a nicer topic...I downloaded Ghost Trick but alas! I have not updated my iPod software for over a year...and it is incompatible. I tried to download the new patch, but my internet is out to get me, as always. One day. one day.
I have also found a new political entity to affliate myself with: The Earl of Lemongrab
I like watching the State of the Union as is...but I would love to see him give one. Oh man. His voice...
I guess that's all. I could talk about other things, but eh.