(long blog, tl;dr :P )
The other day, I was watching Stargate SG-1 and Mitchell and Carter were talking about timelines and dimensions and the differences between the two.
And then there was this pretty funny Community episode a couple of weeks ago when the group created multiple timelines by deciding who was going to get the pizza. The best part was the last five minutes, I thought. But Community is pretty good in general, I think. That means it's probably going to get cancelled. :P
So I got a 3DS the other day. It's the Zelda themed one. My logic is, if I'm going to get a new system, it should have a special theme. I don't know my friend code. I don't even know if I should have a friend code. It's probably more like a fiend code in my case.
(no Aidan. :x)
(my cell phone has a terrible camera. Wouldn't it be cool if you could take a picture of your 3DS WITH your 3DS? No, that's just silly...)
Ocarina of Time 3DS is pretty cool, but I have a lot of questions:
(here there be SPOILERS)
-Why is there a chicken in the Gerudo Valley?
-How can you fit a Poe in a bottle?
-Is it possible to beat the running man who lives in the tent? Because it was definitely not possible in the original version. :x
-If I return the Blue Spiritual Stone to Princess Ruto, does that mean our engagement is off?
-I think the Giant's Knife is kind of cute.
-Why are there so many hand-related enemies in the game? Do the creators have something against hands?
-What is the true face of the man who likes to buy "ghosts"? Is "ghosts" a euphism for something else?
-If you wear your fire suit in the lava, why do you still take damage?
-Does Bongo Bongo ever wash his hands?
-What are Re-Deads made of?
-Can I kill the Goron who sold me the Giant's Knife?
-I realized that Sheikah Stones tell in-game time. :lol:
-Why is Dead Hand so scary? Why does he have multiple hands? Why doesn't he die? Does he wash his hands?
-Is Dampe married? Is his wife the mother of the creepy boy who buys that weird mask?
-Does the Happy Mask Salesman have any friends? Why is he happy? I would be sad if I were him.
If anyone can answer these questions, I will send you a can of spinach via the Pony Express.
I've been sick for a while because no one at school washes their hands. :x Just kidding, I think they do. But a lot of people have been coming to school sick (like, really sick). I don't get that. I mean, I know it's *impossible* to make stuff up but seriously. Just stay home. :x
In life, things have been going kind of weird. I like to tell people that my life is dull, so they won't ask me too many questions (and I've said too much), but in reality, there's always something strange going on. I feel like if I said I were an interesting person, I'd be verging on Rodney McKay-esque behavior. But, in no particular order, auditions for the winter play, a study group (!) named Knights of the Nerd Table, the librarian who is also a math genius (and my new favorite teacher), a Christmas party (courtesy of my parents), and less than a month until my birthday (gross).
I feel sad.
Later everyone~