There are times in life when you have a lot to say, but when you want to say it, you can't find the right words.
It's like today when I asked my drama teacher, "Is there anything we can to get the stuff that needs doing done...did?" That's right, tech week has started again. We're putting on some musical called Into the Woods (Sondheim!), which for those of you who don't know (like me until a couple of months ago) is a bunch of fairy tales mashed together and the negative-reprocussions of the events. That sentence was crap. Anyway, we have a...*wonderful* stage manager who loves us so much and thinks that we are the best and totally competent in everything that we do. :roll:
Oh, and we lifted a piano today. It was great.
Speaking of video games, I started one the other day, for the first time in a long time.
Okami. ♥ I would play this game right now instead of typing this blog but typing makes me feel like I'm doing something constructive instead of procrastinating, as I am prone to do on occasion (especially in the last month or so of school. Especially.)
It's beautiful. It's fun. It's almost as good as a new Zelda game. Almost. But I really like it. I'm mad that I didn't start it earlier.
Also on my list: Portal (!) and Amnesia: ohgodwhyiamigoingtoplaythis (just the demo though). It's a nice mixture of stuff, I think.
AP testing is over for me! I actually don't mind taking the tests (I think it's *gasp* fun), but I can't say that I care for the after-effects (sudden exhaustion, general loopiness, lack of awareness, I don't know). I'm pretty sure I failed all of them. The only way I could get a 5 is if I combined all my 1's together. I'm just saying.
Generally I've been feeling good, which is kind of weird for me. It's probably just a phase or the weather or something though. Good times never last, you know?
My parents have come up with the brilliant idea of (wait for it) growing tobacco to get a cut on property taxes! That's right, my family, the local narcotic (that is the right substance, right?) growers. I think they were sort of joking, but still. Just the fact that they even thought of it is...a little disturbing.
We! learned! about! factorials! today! in! math! If! I! could! talk! like! this! I! would!
There is social conflict among the various groups of people I know! :shock: Just kidding, it's high school, I should have seen it coming. The drama kids don't like the guys I sit with at lunch (because apparently they're some sort of obscene word that gamespot would probably censor), the guys I sit with at lunch don't like the drama kids (and some other assorted kids), and people in general just suck. :x I hate it.
This is why I sit by myself at lunch sometimes. A lot of times, lately. It's a little awkward but hey! You don't have to deal with various social reprocussions. Plus it's not like any of them care anyway! Oh. snap.
But it's true. I'm just an amusing new kid (always the new kid) who dresses like a freak (acts like one too) and tries to be nice to everyone.
(I also learned that it's probably not a good idea to admit that you talk to yourself.)
Summation notation & Epilogue
I gave a speech on uniforms once. After I was done, this girl asked me, "How can someone who dresses like you do be in favor of something like that?"
I told her (in my not-noticable but horribly sarcastic tone), "First of all, I am aware that I dress like a freak (audible gasp). Individualism is overrated. I am all for conformity."
But it is overrated, individualism.
(I really hate myself sometimes. A lot of the time. I wish I weren't such a jerk. /whiny teen)
I guess it's time to maybe get something done. Like schoolwork. So I don't fail. Again.
Sorry for complaining, as always. It's pretty lame of me, yeah?
have a good spring everyone~