Pun not intended. It was pretty horrible, I will admit. But, if I learned nothing else, I learned the art of the terrible pun from my Chemistry teacher. I make her out to be bad but she's not a bad person. Just a...adjfskla teacher, that's all.
So, life's been okay. I've gone through a friend shift, at school, if that makes sense. The people who I knew at the beginning of the year, well, I've grown out of them. I guess that's the right term. See, people I thought I knew changed. I'm seeing them in a different light! And it's not very pleasant.
Of course, I should have in-between friends and not just be like, "Well, either I like you or I don't!" Those sorts of people balance things out. Like a math equation with just the right amount of numbers!
But onto the most wonderful of things! I, twilightlullaby, have made it into two one acts. Or two acts, ha ha ha. :roll: I'm not sure how this happened, I'm quite sure it was a mistake, but...no, I saw my name on the cast list. My day was made, let me tell you. This all happened on Friday, if I'm being a bit vague.
We had our first rehearsal today...where various things happened. I don't want to spoil anything, for fear of murder by the director or something, but I play a brilliant linguist, in the comedy. Also, I get to slap someone! !!!! !!! !!! !!! As you can tell, I'm happy about that. But after today, I think I've been banned. See, I slapped the one guy so hard...he fell back in his chair. I'm sure part of him was just playing along but...the "JESUS!" I heard... It'll all just have to wait until opening night, I suppose. There's a lot more to all of this but...it's getting late.
And, also, I've noticed quite a disturbing trend! I noticed there was an "Anti-Twilight" fanclub up. :cry: What have I ever done to deserve this?! ...okay, so I'm kidding. I know it's for the books and stuff. But still. :x I know the secret.
FRAGILE FOR THE WII COMES OUT TOMORROW. I hope I didn't get the date wrong...maybe I'm thinking of the ship date instead? Yeah...I am. And I was looking forward to it too.
So, since I'm mixing up dates now, I'll end this brief look into my life. Happy Belated Pi Day. Sho Minamimoto is the best!
PS- I realize that this blog sounds sort of strange. I'm still not used to this here time change. It's got my internal clock all re-arranged in a way that's sort of...short-changed?! Sorry.