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And this one's for YOU, dear reader! XD

By request of one of the coolest people I know (maybe soon to be the coolest? I don't know! :x) , DrAwesomeMD, I've decided to complete my list of 100 totally random facts. Except, this time, the facts might go into more detail than before. Without further ado, here I go.

90. When I was very young, I though glasses and a uniform were the coolest thing ever.

91. I'm actually very terrible at completing video games. Out of the 30 or 40 so games I own , I've maybe beaten 10. Although, I never took into consideration that some of them *CAN'T* be beat.

92. Some of you guys (and girls) I know on Gamespot are the best friends I've had in my whole entire life. And that's saying something. So I wanted to do a general list of some of the people who are just really special to me. Yeah, I'm jumping on the bandwagon. I won't mention names but you'll know who you are: the nicest user on GS, the leader of the first union where I really felt at home, the guy who actually mentioned in one of his blogs that he wanted to hear what I had to say, the person who told me"not to lose my*sparkle*" (and his family as well! You guys are the bestest ever! :D), a certain "Red" person, the one who had those *certain* inappropriate pictures of Albel Nox, KickFlip, my *glittering* friend, the blender of games, and the blond princess. ;) I know, I didn't include everyone. That's the problem with these effing things. :x So to all of you who weren't mentioned, just know that you guys mean a lot to me. In fact, anyone who can READ this blog means a lot to me. Except perverts. And stalkers. Gee, this turned out to be long, huh?

93. Contrary to what I might say, I actually love my family. But I do blame them for my love of strange video games, anime, and singing along with the CD playing in the video store along with several other things. Basically, I love them but they drive me insane.

94. I'm horrible with guys. No really. It's true. :(

95. I have three GROSS AWFUL UGLY Planter's warts on my left foot. Gack. That was too personal, wasn't it?

96. You will have to kill me before you can get me to square-dance. :x I don't do square-dancing. It's a little, much even for me. :P

97. According to most people, I have very low self-esteem. And I'm sad to say that it *IS* true. I don't feel comfortable with being myself in real life.

98. I often say stupid things and then obsess about them later. By that time, everyone's probably forgotten about it.

99. Right now, I feel like I've lost my *sparkle*.

100. No one here knows my age and I plan to keep it that way. You're welcome to guess but I WON'T give out any answers! *cackle*

And that's it. Now (if you've been following me since I said I was a girl and NOT a guy) you should know 100 things about me.

That's it.
